Iraq Spends $85 Million on Fake Bomb Detectors

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The people who approved buying this are either idiots, or most likely they knew that it does not work, and bought them so that they could steal some money in the process.

I am sure it is the latter one, because I used to live in Iraq, and I saw how corrupted the government is.

Hope this video would make the Iraqi government open an investigation to put the corrupted people in jail, but I know that will never happen.
They should make McCormick the bomb tester for however long his prison sentence is going to be...maybe he will learn his lesson...JMO
[citation][nom]croc[/nom]I beg to differ... Dowsing for water DOES work, for some. Why, I do not know, but I have seen it, done it, and enjoyed the results. Good dowsers can pinpoint a borehole location to within a meter, even tell you how many meters down you have to drill.That said, I do have doubts for this device....[/citation]

Actually what you did was called "guessing" where water was, and you & your buddies found it by pure blind luck. I could put 50 jugs in front of you, some filled with water, some filled with dirt, and you and your dowsing rods would get as many right as I would throwing darts at them blindfolded.
"I beg to differ... Dowsing for water DOES work, for some. Why, I do not know, but I have seen it, done it, and enjoyed the results. Good dowsers can pinpoint a borehole location to within a meter, even tell you how many meters down you have to drill."

Statistically dowsing wouldn't stand out from guessing, just as the fake bomb detector (the US military tested it and came to that conclusion). If you had this technology test 100 cars with only 1 of those cars containing explosives (and the tester knowing there is only 1 bomb) than there's only a 1% chance the tester would find the bomb (the same as guessing). Now, if you don't tell the tester there's only one bomb he will give you a lot of false positives, providing even more evidence the device is bogus. The same procedure could be used to discredit dowsing (you just saw that 1% or maybe it was 50/50 water and no water so the tester would no doubt "find" some water). The Iraqi government is too incompetent to follow such procedures, but what do you expect from a country that gives a book of fairytales written in squiggly lines a leading role in its constitution...
The Pro.Sec website has under it's "Flash News" page that it had won an international award for "Best Trade Name". And that lends them credibility how?
Oh, and get this: They're based in Lebanon. So, who's tricking whom? Does Pro.Sec make it, or does this guy from the UK make it?

And their company slogan is "Un Monde de Securite"--French for "A World of Security". French? The website is in poorly written English? The company is based in Lebanon? This guy from the UK is arrested for making/selling these to the Iraqi government? I'm more than a little bit confused here.
First, Dowing does not work. There has never been a credible double blind where it has worked, ever, It's the ideomotor effect.

Anyway, the latest on this story is here:

and there's much more to come.

Techowiz and I started this campaign in the UK 2.5 years ago. It's finally getting the coverage it deserves, all credit to Techo, Newsnight, Bruce Hood, etc etc

Please see the blogs here:

or join our new Google Group here, and invite a couple of friends as well:
The Fake Explosive Detectors Campaign has been running in the UK since 2008 when James Randi brought these scandals to the attention of the World

If you want to get up to date on this story please visit:

The Fake Explosive Detectors Campaign has been running in the UK since 2008 when James Randi brought these scandals to the attention of the World

If you want to get up to date on this story please visit:

The Fake Explosive Detectors Campaign has been running in the UK since 2008 when James Randi brought these scandals to the attention of the World

If you want to get up to date on this story please visit:

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