is 3rd generation Intel Core i5-3210M Processor + AMD Radeon HD 7670M a good combination for mid-end Gaming?

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it is a good combination if you play to game on low or medium setting most of the time at 1366x768 can play some games at high but require tweaking your in game setting.for video editing i would suggest getting at least a quad core cpu.

osama saleem30

May 14, 2015
I have the same gpu as yours and I was able to play at high setting these games
Hitman Absolution
Resident evil 5 and 6
Assassin creed black flag and rogue.
Bf3 and Bf4
Metal gear rising 2014
sniper elite 2 and 3
sleeping dogs
sniper ghost warrior 2
crysis 2 and 3
trials fusion
metro LL
NFS 2013
Alien Isolation
COD MW 1 2 and 3 BOPS 1 and 2
Medal of Honour 2010 and warfighter.
Batman Arkham origins and arkham city and many other games
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