Is a DAC/AMP necessary for a pair of AKG K612PRO headphones?


Sep 5, 2015
After a lot of researching, the pair I landed on that I'd like to get are the AKG K612PRO headphones (Amazon link). I just have a Dell laptop at the moment and I was wondering if it would be able to power these okay, and because of the price, I would like to avoid getting a DAC/AMP (For now) if I don't need to right away. I ask because in some places I have read that they are great without, and others I have read a DAC/AMP is 100% necessary, period. Would just like a bit of help with the confusion. Many thanks.

Also, for anyone interested, here is a link to the FiiO E18 on Massdrop for $149.99 right now.
i would say yes, if you're using a dell laptop you definitely would want an amplifier as the akg cans tend to be a bit hard to drive.

this does not mean you need an expensive amp (the u3 can drive them at moderate volumes) but if you want to get the best out of them you certainly want a higher quality amp in the $100+ range.

akg makes some good headphones, if you like having "bright" headphones that tend towards not having deep bass. most are also harder to drive then other models.

an alternative to akg would be going with audiotechnica's ad500/700/900x series. lots of good quality moderately bright highs, wide soundstage but limited extension to bass.. perhaps less than the k612 though it also depends on which ad model you picked...
i would say yes, if you're using a dell laptop you definitely would want an amplifier as the akg cans tend to be a bit hard to drive.

this does not mean you need an expensive amp (the u3 can drive them at moderate volumes) but if you want to get the best out of them you certainly want a higher quality amp in the $100+ range.

akg makes some good headphones, if you like having "bright" headphones that tend towards not having deep bass. most are also harder to drive then other models.

an alternative to akg would be going with audiotechnica's ad500/700/900x series. lots of good quality moderately bright highs, wide soundstage but limited extension to bass.. perhaps less than the k612 though it also depends on which ad model you picked. if you wanted neutral sounding with not so bright a presence and something more easy listening the hd518/558/598-series from sennheiser is also a good choice.

remember, DAC and AMP are different. you can use both or you can use just an amp. just an amp would offer no real quality improvement over your onboard audio but does make it so you can drive more powerful headphones. having a dac+amp means you will get a quality improvement over most onboard and have an amp to power them as well.

Thanks for the awesome reply, I will look into those other headphones, I like the sound of the Sennheisers. Had an idea for a DAC/AMP combo I fancied, so I will save up a bit more and get that at the same time.
I would like to add that onboard audio has come a long way and assuming you have a decent modern motherboard a new DAC is not likely to offer a noticeable difference in sound quality. Unless you have problems such as crackling, popping, static noise, etc I would personally stick to what you have.

An amplifier could definitely be beneficial or needed, ssddx has that covered well.

edit: Just saw you are using a dell laptop... in that case I would also look into a DAC since onboard for laptops tends to be mediocre. A desktop would be a different story.
edit: Just saw you are using a dell laptop... in that case I would also look into a DAC since onboard for laptops tends to be mediocre. A desktop would be a different story.

this. while i have come across some laptops with surprisingly decent onboard and somewhat powerful amplifiers the majority of laptops have so-so quality onboard and weak amplifiers so its best to err on the side of caution.