Is a ram expansion worth it?


May 30, 2013
Hi, I currently have an ASUS G75VX with the following specs

Intel Core i7 3630QM
Nvidia Geforce GTX 670MX (3GB)
8GB DDR3 (1600 MHz)
1TB HDD (5400 RPM)

Yes I know this is a gaming notebook, but I also use it for Computer Aided Engineering applications, like ANSYS, in school.

I would like some advice about adding more ram to it, say another 8GB (Maximum is 32GB), is it worth it? Would the increase in performance be significant in any way?

Thanks in advance

not for this kind of software, this kind of stuff will most likely eat as much ram as you give it, I've seen computers with literally hundreds of gigs of ram for this kind of applications, so my question is not really about if I have "enough" Ram, I'm trying to figure out what is the most important bottleneck in my notebook, so will I know if adding ram would be beneficial at all. I supose the slowest thing is the hard drive, but upgrading Ram is a lot cheaper, hence the question
I would use Goggle to research if the engineering programs you are using benefits from more than 8GB of RAM.

For the average person the advantage of 16GB of RAM usually means you can disable the pagefile. This can provide a little bit of a performance increase since the laptop will not have to read / write from/to the pagefile since everything should be stored in RAM.

For a laptop with only a SSD, this would prevent wear and tear on the SSD itself. Sectors in a SSD can only be written over so many time before it fails so not having a pagefile (which generally gets updated often can prolong the life of a SSD.