Is an Antivirus necessary on an Android Smartphone?

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I use one just in case. Viruses have been increasing. Generally, if you only use signed/licensed apps, you should be fine without one. But if you're installing apps from the internet for whatever reason, it's best to have one.
I strongly recommend you get one. I have clean master it works as an antivirus, memory boost, cpu cooling and junk file cleaner.
Not necessarily. I've been a Android user for quite some time but never have faced any security/safety related issues in mobiles. That is the case when I know what I'm doing with my phone is correct and it is in single hand use.
depends what you do with your phone. if your banking or running a business then yeah i would say its essential as you can never be to safe when its your livleyhood on the line.
if your just playing games, browsing, emails and then no. just use a good 1 on your home pc and every time you think you need to scan your phone do it with that.
if you dont have a good av bitdefender handles android no problem from what i gather.
It's similar to saying if one is necessary on a Mac. Technically there are viruses out there for android, but many are a challenge to find.
I would opt on the side of caution and pick one up, but don't break the bank to do so.

Generally speaking, reviews have found AV performance on android to be lacking - it's really something you would weigh. You've got your two options, you can go underwater without your anti-seabear underwear on, since it is unlikely you will ever meet such a creature, but if the possibility exists you may wish to do so anyway so as to be sure.

Haven't noticed any slowdowns on my HTC One (M7) with that one.
Never in my time using an android phone (and I've been on some obscure places on the web, not saying too much) and I have to say that would be overkill. Out of all the common spyware, malware and Trojans out there the VAST majority are written for Windows OS, and hence do nothing on Android OS. Only a handful of threats exist and its more effort than its worth.
I have used avira antivir on my laptops/PC's for 15 years so I thought I'd give it a go on my phone because I trust it to give me the same protection as it does on my computer. So far I am quote impressed with it and it has remote locking/wiping functions too. Very impressed!
If you stick to Google play or the App store when you download apps you should be safe.If you use other places than these,use Bitdefender free or AVG free.
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