Is an Antivirus necessary on an Android Smartphone?

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To tell the truth, I have used this antivirus on several smartphones and it really seems to me an excellent option to protect the device, but the problem that I have noticed, both on tablets and smartphones, is that it usually slows down the device. At least, it's what has happened to me the times I've used it.

I recommend installing it and see how it runs on your computers, because of not slowing down the device is good free option.


The Clean Master is known for its functionality in desktop PCs, which has an acceptable functionality - you can get better options - but in mobile devices - because it is free - has the typical disadvantage of bombarding the person with advertising, which It is quite annoying.

I have also used the Avira under license but it does not have surprising functionality.

My attention is called Kaspersky, does it have a free version?
I'm not taking any chances because I'm using banking apps, and I don't want none of my passwords or usernames stolen. Since the numbers of Android users are growing, it is only natural for malware built for android devices will increase as well. The biggest issue, from what I've learned, is that once an android id infected, getting rid of malware can be impossible, and resetting the entire device might be necessary. At the moment I'm using a free one, and, fingers-crossed, that's enough to keep things safe.

No, antivirus is NOT necessary on an Android. It's a scam to sell Android 'anti-virus' programs. The simple, yet often overlooked fact is that ANDROIDS CANNOT GET A VIRUS. It is technically impossible for any Linux/Unix based system to be infected with a true virus.

That being said, there is malware out there, and I consider adware as malware too. This is often mistakenly referred to as a virus. It's not, but for the sake of argument I realize that many people use the terms interchangeably. It doesn't matter. Stock Android runs in sort of a sandboxed environment so no malware can even access protected system files. Heck, if you're not rooted YOU can't access those files either.

Anti-virus isn't even necessary on Windows machines. I recently ran an experiment where I ran a new Windows 10 system with absolutely no anti-virus, or anti-malware protection whatever for an entire month. I surfed questionable sites (porn) and even did nefarious downloads (torrent sites). How many viruses/malware did I pick up?



At least you're using the free one and the only thing it's costing you is processor cycles on your phone, which can be considerable. And no, malware isn't hard to get rid of on Android since almost none of it can access your protected system files anyway.

Clean Master software IS malware, all it does, like you say, is bombard you with ads and slow down your phone.

You're being taken in by advertising, Androids can't get viruses


You, like millions of others, are easily taken in by advertising.


All it does is throw unwanted ads at you and slow down your phone. You don't need antivirus on an Android

I dont think its must for android device but you should install app which are from good sources only. Specially take care while you install apps from other places than google play store
antivirus is not necessary for an android phone rather it slows down the device, but if you download apps without play store or download many files from the unrecognized site then you can use an antivirus for your smartphone/android.
Android phones and tablets do not need antivirus installed. Android viruses are by no means as prevalent as media outlets may have you believe, and your device is much more at risk of theft than it is a virus.

I use them on PC and feel they're almost mandatory in a PC but i haven't ever used one on an android although occasionally, I do end up on sites that might try to trick me into download something malicious. third party streaming sites are often plagued by this. So I'm confused which one to go for. I want to start off with something that's free or at least economical and definitely, definitely, lightweight. any recommendations?
AntiVirus, strong malware trackers and Backups are all necessary, even in an Android phone.

I wouldn't place too ,much trust in an AV from a recently established Chinese company if I were you, ashwin.parkar88.Av

Agree. Antivirus strong malware trackers :)
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