lvsteve :
This guy who gets headaches is a sad excuse for a human. He probably gets headaches watching TV in a dark room, too. And probably gets car sick on 15 minute drives. And has allergies that keep him indoors all spring. What a loser. Using Glass 8 hours straight each day? For one, the battery only lasts about 3 hours during fully active use. And for another point, staring at a smart phone or a tablet for EIGHT straight hours will cause a headache, too. Loser.
I'm inclined to agree, but I will hold off on passing too harsh of judgement. Anybody who is a desk jockey, like myself, knows the basics to have a comfortable, pain-free desk job. Here are some of my rules just for eye strain:
1. 18+" away from your monitors. You need to reduce eye strain caused by eye focusing. 18" has proven to be the minimum comfort distance for my eyes.
2. Brightness at near minimum. You cannot stair at a light bulb for 8 hours continuous without getting a headache. What makes you think a monitor is any different than a light bulb?
3. Turn the fucking lights off! My co-workers are notorious for turning all the damn lights. Brighter is always worse when it comes to fluorescent bulbs. Enough fluorescent lighting can actually exceed the maximum recommended daily dosage of ultraviolet radiation. AND DESK JOCKIES DO THIS TO THEMSELVES EVERY DAY FOR 30 YEARS! I could write a paper on the disadvantages to fluorescent lighting, but I will withhold.
These all become common sense things to do after a couple of months working in an office, but some people never learn. This guy is probably one of those people.