Is it illegal to go on an illegal website if you don't do anything illegal on it?

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Sep 15, 2014
The question is the title. Also, I live in North California. Example, you go on a website that streams movies for free, but you don't watch any, or do anything illegal on the website.
Also, I would prefer if it would be a sure, solid "yes" or "no"

- Thank you!!!


Dec 10, 2012
Downloading, viewing, listening, etc., to anything on those sites that are sharing files illegally is technically against the law. If law enforcement subpoenas the websites logs, they can tell that your computer visited that site...



It's not a simple yes or no answer.

Content on the internet can facilitate a wide variety of offences including copyright infringement, purchase and distribution of illegal narcotics, purchase and acquisition of state secrets, purchase and acquisition of identities (identity theft), purchase and acquisition of stolen goods, child pornography, etc... Some of these offences may be prosecuted civilly, criminally, or both.

In some cases, the act of merely attempting to commit some of the above listed offences is itself illegal. For example, in some jurisdictions simply attempting to acquire pornography involving minors is illegal and may be prosecuted whether or not the defendant succeeds in doing so. These cases are almost always criminal in nature and authorities must satisfy the criminal burden of proof which includes mens rea, or criminal intent.

Demonstrating mens rea can be incredibly difficult given the unreliable nature of content on the internet. Accidentally stumbling across a website dealing in some highly illegal content won't result in a prosecution any more than stumbling across a crackhouse would but actively searching one out is a different story.

On the other hand, civil cases such as copyright infringement require the plaintiff to actually demonstrate that the defendant did something wrong and that wrong caused damage or harm to the plaintiff. No damage or harm usually means no case; even a claim of statutory damages still require the plaintiff to present evidence of wrongdoing. Ergo, simply visiting a torrent tracker and trying to find the latest episode of a TV show is not illegal; actual copyright infringement through acquiring it would be.
Attempted copyright infringement is no more damaging than attempted trespass (note that trespassing can also be a criminal offence) so from a civil perspective it's basically a no-go. However, copyright infringement can rise to criminal levels if certain elements are met, at which point attempted criminal copyright infringement could be a thing.


Dec 10, 2012
I read a story in the newspaper a few years ago about a guy who went to a massage parlor (he was naive - didn't even know what a "happy ending" was). While he was there (he had not received his services yet - was waiting), the police raided the business. There were under age girls there - he was charged with the rest of the men there and his name was plastered in the newspapers, TV, radio, etc., as being a patron of the business.

It took almost 9 months before he had his day in court - and he was found guilty of some of the charges. I don't recall details....but just "hanging out" and "not knowing" what is going on isn't always a "free pass".

The moral of the story - stay away from the illegal may get mixed up in the "raid" - and legal costs and public humiliation could ruin your life....


Dec 19, 2014
There is a big difference between actually downloading something illegal or viewing something illegal, than just seeing a thumbnail for it or just going to a website that hosts it. For example if just going to a website that has or has had illegal content a website like 4chan would be ceased and most of its users arrested. But downloading content from a site vs just visiting it once and not clicking on anything or just clicking on it and going back right away is completely different. If you are worried you might click on something like that again download web of trust which shows reports from other people and warns you if the people have reported anything illegal or anything bad about the website.
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