Solved! Is it possible to convert an optical signal to HDMI

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the brownie

Aug 10, 2017
I wear hearing aids and stream TV via a personal loop. The streamer connects to TV via Optical (Toslink). My Sony soundbar connects to TV via HDMI (only has Optical out). HDMI & Optical together cause hearing aid interference on certain channels. I have an optical splitter and need to take a lead from splitter to a (box) that will convert that signal to HDMI and plug a n HDMI lead into the soundbar so others can enjoy TV.
Most TVs won't allow you to use ARC and the optical output at the same time. Your hearing aid transmitter probably doesn't use HDMI-ARC anyway.
Turn on and set the optical audio output to PCM stereo. Turn the TV speakers off.
Use the toslink optical splitter you bought to connect both the soundbar and transmitter to the TV. Use either or both as you require. Since the optical output is fixed you adjust volume using the soundbar volume control or the hearing aid volume control.
I don't know of an optical to HDMI converter.
If the soundbar doesn't have HDMI in AND out then the HDMI connection on the soundbar is for HDMI-ARC only. A converter wouldn't help in that case.
Are you sure that the soundbar doesn't have an optical "input" rather than an output? Can't check without the model number but I wouldn't be surprised it's an input. Then you just us the splitter after you set the TV to output in PCM stereo via optical.
HDMI-ARC and optical are equal in quality.
Thanks for your reply. It is definitely just an output. Even the handbook says it's an output but please check, if you wish. It's a Sony HTSF150 120Watts. I've tried connecting an optical lead via the splitter to the soundbar- nothing. Tried switching between output sources as per handbook - nothing. I was advised to buy a soundbar with HDMI Arc connection because the TV optical socket was in use by the transmitter. What sound i do get is great but the interference on some channels (e.g. Sky was great, Netflix, Amazon wouldn't work). Hearing Aid manufacturer tod me that the transmitter doesn't like more than one source of output, get a splitter, which I did. No difference. Dropped Sky (contract up) Netflix, I-Player, ITV Hub etc. great if HDMI not connected but as soon as it is back comes the interference. If Soundbar not connected then others watching TV have to put up with lousy (apparently) sound from TV.
Thanks for your reply. It is definitely just an output. Even the handbook says it's an output but please check, if you wish. It's a Sony HTSF150 120Watts. I've tried connecting an optical lead via the splitter to the soundbar- nothing. Tried switching between output sources as per handbook - nothing. I was advised to buy a soundbar with HDMI Arc connection because the TV optical socket was in use by the transmitter. What sound i do get is great but the interference on some channels (e.g. Sky was great, Netflix, Amazon wouldn't work). Hearing Aid manufacturer tod me that the transmitter doesn't like more than one source of output, get a splitter, which I did. No difference. Dropped Sky (contract up) Netflix, I-Player, ITV Hub etc. great if HDMI not connected but as soon as it is back comes the interference. If Soundbar not connected then others watching TV have to put up with lousy (apparently) sound from TV.

This picture of the soundbar shows an Optical Input (marked TV IN) and an HDMI output marked TV (ARC)

"It's definitely just an output", says I. Shut up and get your facts right! It IS an INPUT. I stand corrected, , thank you for your reply, apologise and all the rest - but I STILL can't get the damn thing to work. My TV,
an LG 55uk7550 will not recognise the soundbar. I can get it to stream to my hearing aids via Optical or soundbar via Arc but will not stream via Arc to hearing aids (via streamer) or to TV(via Arc).
Most TVs won't allow you to use ARC and the optical output at the same time. Your hearing aid transmitter probably doesn't use HDMI-ARC anyway.
Turn on and set the optical audio output to PCM stereo. Turn the TV speakers off.
Use the toslink optical splitter you bought to connect both the soundbar and transmitter to the TV. Use either or both as you require. Since the optical output is fixed you adjust volume using the soundbar volume control or the hearing aid volume control.
Dear americanaudiophil (and all others, of course), thanks for your offering. I had realised that I couldn't use HDMI Arc along with optical and you're right my hearing aid streamer doesn't use it anyway. But this setting of the optical output to PCM stereo. I saw that earlier but don't quite understand. I checked and LG TV doesn't give any choice over optical output and that particular piece of advice just got lost among with all the rest (I've enquired of LG and they're about as knowlegeable as me and Soney, well that's just 'ask the community' there's no tech advice from them). If you, or anyone else can help further, please do otherwise I'll just have to ditch the soundbar and others in the household will have to suffer with TV speakers, which, apparently, aren't too bad now that programming doesn't come through the Sky box..
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