blazed1k :
Hi guys, I'm thinking about selling my old laptop on ebay. I saw couple laptops with the same model are going for almost $200. I just got unemployed, I could use that money right now. I'm concern about all the informations in my laptop's hard drive. After I formatted the hard drive, will other people able to retrieve the my personal informations? I also have a question regarding to the Windows license. My laptop did not come with Windows 7, and I obtained my copy of Windows 7 from MSDNAA. Is it legal to sell my laptop with Windows 7?
Have at home old cell phone you don’t use anymore?
Have at home old cell phone you don’t use anymore? You think it’s useless and worthless thing that no one will need it anymore? If you’ve answered to these questions “Yes”, you’re one of millions cell phone users who face the dilemma: “What should I do with such a cell phone?
Your old cell phone which takes place in the drawer waits for a second chance. Probably you’ve noticed that as longer cell phone is not in use, the harder is to make it work. The older a cell phone is, the harder is to find suitable battery for it or the battery will cost more that the device itself is worth.
The value of a cell phone becomes lower every day and you shouldn’t be surprised, if the value of the device, bought for reasonable price in the past, one day will become almost worthless. For example, if your cell phone drops USD 5.00 of its value per month, the total national loss is about USD 720 billion per year. You should understand that the losses are great just because people are not willing to re-sell their old devices. Finally, the old cell phones goes to trash bins, what means you’re not only loosing the money, but even polluting the Nature with electronic trash, what harms entire planet Earth.
You have three choices:
After a purchasing a new cell phone, the old is put to drawer with dust and you’re telling yourself: “one day it will be needed”. Now think honestly, how many times the old mobile phone, which economical value drops every day, was used since it reached the drawer? Finally, you’ll still throw it away.
It’s not a best option, because the batteries and the cell phones itself consists harmful to environment toxic materials. The cell phones, fallowing the electronics and electric devices waste lows, cannot be simply thrown away to trash bins at most countries in the world.
The old cell phones can be sold through posters on newspapers or on eBay or equal systems. At first it looks like a good option, but in that way the phones sold are usually in working perfect condition, with all the accessories included. For such a device you’ll get more money, but also will lose more: the insertation fees on eBay/newspaper, transportation, calls to potential buyers, finally – time you spent for selling the cell phone – everything has its own cost. Besides, you’re not sure that the cell phone will be sold at all.
The third option is created by the electronics buying company named RecycleYourDevice – the solution that will help you and the Nature.
Fill in the online form and send us your old cell phone you don’t need any more. We’ll make sure that the device will be used once again. Why is this option better? Because we will pay you. It is double as good – you will get the money that the cell phone is worth by its residual value, you’ll not have any expenses by sending it to us, besides, you will help to protect the Nature from pollution.
What’s next?
From the beginning of our company’s work, we deeply believe that the best recycling way is the second-time use of any device. Our service is also attractive that it’s simply to use it, doesn’t require any payments and saves your precious time.
We are renewing your old cell phones and later they are used once more at other countries, such as Africa, India and Middle East. The cell phones that cannot be renewed are responsibly utilized or recycled, so in that way no harm to Nature can be done.
So, with our help, make your old cell phone be used once again properly!