Is my laptop overheating


Oct 12, 2010
Hello, i have a HP f500 and its making a a bit of noise and is really hot where the fan is. My cpu idle temps are 63
, is this to high and does the fan need replacing. Would appreciate feedback.
Ok its a Hp f500 pentium dual core 2 gb ram. Not sure how old as it was giving to me by someone as they said it did not work.

I worked out that hdd was knackered so replaced it and loaded win 7 pro, and it all worked. But then i noticed how hot the side was by the fan. And i doubt the fan has ever been cleaned. Im not too good with laptops so dont know whats what.
Ok yeah it does say it gets warm. I set core temp to turn it off it gets to 90.

How would i clean fan.

And thank you for your help WR2
Ok i turned it off and on again and now is idling at 49-50 do yo think it may have been hot cause i just installed operating system.
It says if you had for 6 months you should open up and clean. Its 4 years old and has never been cleaned lol so i think i will take apart and give a clean.

Thank you so much for your help.
-> The usual advice; read the manual ; look at the parts, read the manual again and if everything makes sense and looks right - then go ahead with the dissassembly.

Let us know how you make out.
Im sorry im such an idiot. The laptop model i stated to you is my old laptop, a compaq. The one that was given to me that is overheating is a Hp g7000.
With the laptop powered off get a can of compressed air and blow it throw the intake vents first. After that blow through the exhaust vent. Repeat until dust doesn't come out anymore :)

Hi dan,

did you manage to fix the problem with overheating, how if so please?

I have similar issue, the HP G7000 laptop completely powers off, seems overheating but the fan rotates and there is no dust? Idle temp is around CPU 62 celcius / board 47.5

Somebody suggested installing Win 7 as a resolution but that sounds quite weird...
