Solved! Is my laptops cpu Upgradable...?

CPU: No, cannot be upgraded as it's a BGA type which is soldered to the motherboard.

GPU: If you mean the Intel GPU, this is integrated within the CPU so the same applies -- not upgradeable.

If you mean can the discrete GTX GPU be upgraded, very probably yes, but I've no idea what other GPU would be compatible.
CPU: No, cannot be upgraded as it's a BGA type which is soldered to the motherboard.

GPU: If you mean the Intel GPU, this is integrated within the CPU so the same applies -- not upgradeable.

If you mean can the discrete GTX GPU be upgraded, very probably yes, but I've no idea what other GPU would be compatible.
Question from fasilrahman2001 : "Is my laptops cpu Upgradable...?"

I already answered this --- CPU cannot be upgraded because it's a BGA fitting which means it's soldered to the main board.

As for the GPU, if your laptop has two GPUs (one on the CPU, plus a discrete one) then the discrete one can usually be upgraded, but I cannot advise you on what you can upgrade it to because that is not my area of expertise.


Jan 4, 2016
GPU is soldered onto motherboard. Also not upgradeable.
