Is Norton's the best?


Feb 5, 2002
just curious, i know alot of people use norton's, I personally run PANDA PLATINUM... no problems so far with it.

Asus A7N8X Deluxe
80gb Maxtor
200gb WD 8mb cache..
Lian-Li PC-60
Lite-On 52X
AMD XP2800+
LeadTek GeForce 4 Ti4200 w/vivo 128mb 8x
Hitachi CML174
1 GB Corsair XMS PC3200 Cas2
Kinda like asking "Is Notre Dame the best?"

But, hey, I use it and it does just fine for me.

<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
well i mean virus protection is a pretty big thing... #1 how do you test or how would a review site test which is the best Virus protector? I mean from searching around on here people like norton's, panda, some free ones avs or something... i was just curious which actually stands out over another.

Asus A7N8X Deluxe
80gb Maxtor
200gb WD 8mb cache..
Lian-Li PC-60
Lite-On 52X
AMD XP2800+
LeadTek GeForce 4 Ti4200 w/vivo 128mb 8x
Hitachi CML174
1 GB Corsair XMS PC3200 Cas2
it depends. I use Ez antivirus
i have used many of antiviruses:
norton, panda, drweb, avp and so on...
my opinion
DRWEB best in the times of of black screen aka DOS:)
Panda - realy hard to crack, security i dont know.
Norton - eats too much resourses
ETrust Ez antivirus - light, fast, keep the bugs of my system, but is realy weak on cleaning them if they get on my system.
Yeah, just saying that you're gonna get varying opinions.

<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
Try <A HREF="" target="_new">Avast</A>
Been using it for a couple of months now and it works perfectly, used Norton before...clogs up the system for me.

<font color=blue>Youth is wasted on the young</font color=blue>
<A HREF="" target="_new">yes</A>

<font color=blue>Youth is wasted on the young</font color=blue><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by jake75 on 01/17/04 03:28 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
ok yeah well i see your point, i guess what i was trying to see was what other AV options are they are why did you select them...

I went with Panda Cause i was in need of a AV program, I had Norton's and wasn't too thrilled with all that stuff it loads like the Live UPdate and this other constant annoying stuff.......... my cousin recommended panda Platinum and so far so good... i did come in contact with virus's and Instantly Panda Opened up and Neutralized and deleted it............. So far i give Panda Platinum a Thumbs Up!

thanks for the posts

Asus A7N8X Deluxe
80gb Maxtor
200gb WD 8mb cache..
Lian-Li PC-60
Lite-On 52X
AMD XP2800+
LeadTek GeForce 4 Ti4200 w/vivo 128mb 8x
Hitachi CML174
1 GB Corsair XMS PC3200 Cas2
I like everything about Avast, except the email scanner, which I cannot get to work.

It works by chaning your account to connect to a local email server, which then redirect your mail to the real server. Unfortunately this doesn't work, likely due to the fact that I have a http server installed.

I had a similar problem with NAV 2001, but Norton no longer uses such tricks to scan email.

Things I like about avast
uses minimal resources, works on any PC running 9x
actually stops protecting me when I tell it to stop protecting me

Things I don't like
uses fake server for email scanning
user interface takes getting used to
I have been doing tech support for over 5 years now, and about 60-70% of all issues over the years have been linked to Norton Anti-virus. From Blue Screens of Death to system slowdowns to people not getting any e-mail. All have been Norton Issues. If 1000 people jumped off a bridge, because the bridge had marketing geniuses, would that be OK?

Today is just a syntax error on the basic road of life.
Norton and McAfee caused problems for me (lock-ups, hogging resources, and viruses).

I've used Panda Platinum for the past 2 years, and just recently upgraded to Platinum Internet Security. I've had no problems with Panda and, now that I've found a virus scanner that actually does what it promises, won't use anything else.