"what stability issues have you had with android? i've had a couple hang ups and force closes but nothing major. also keep in mind some of that may be due to bloatware slowing the system down or bad app code. dont think for one instant that apples youre-not-holding-it-right iphone is any better. "
Well to answer this, SGS is running stock Samsung ROM with TW UI, and I've had tons of issues with it, some major and some minor.
1. The phone will hang up for no apparent reason
2. Stock messaging application will constantly crash for just the sake of crashing I guess
3. Sometimes when the phone hangs up, and I have to turn it off, then turn it back on it will get stuck on the Galaxy S logo.
4. Upon dialing a number the stock dialer takes a leave for about 4-6 seconds and completely disappear, then come back and dial whatever number it is asked to dial.
5. It will slow down for no apparent reasons
6. Video player at times at its own decide to play videos in fast forward mode.
7. Music player forgets 'Playlist' if I pause it for sometime, most annoying thing is it will also start playing ring tones
8. USB connectivity never works
9. Also it seems to have some sort of death grip issue, if I hold the phone with both hands while surfing the net or playing a game then sometimes it will simply disconnects from my mobile service provider.
These are few issues which readily came to my mind. I have sent this phone back to samsung twice, and they've simply re-installed the stock ROM then sent it back. Anyway, to make it at least workable I've been using 3rd party launchers (GO Launcher etc.).
By the way I have never owned any Apple device (although I've used them) but I am seriously thinking about either going for next iPhone or more probably Nokia's Sea Ray.
In the past I've own several Nokia E series phones (Symbian), HTC Tytn / Tytn II / Samsung Omnia i900 all running WinMo, and they were great sets in their own right. Infact Tytn II and i900 never ever crashed and gave me any other unexpected issues. Personally I prefer stability and reliability over anything else, but that is just me.
I apply the same approach with regard to Market, tons of crappy useless free s*** is worthless for me, I'd rather have fewer but more qualitative / easy to find applications.
Lastly, Google did considerable stealing of others' intellectual property in building Android, and have left cell makers alone to fend themselves against the claims, so they committed theft at the same time when they came up with this new OS, at least that is my opinion. Additionally their 'open source' mantra led them to relinquish (to some extent) control of the OS to OEMs, resulting in everyone slapping their own half baked UIs and other bloatware which made the OS behave in unexpected ways, so there I do agree with you