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On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 18:35:12 -0500, Tony D <> wrote:
>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 02:14:36 -0600, Jeff Lindstrom
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Elmo P. Shagnasty" <> wrote:
>>>>In article <Xns962AADA933A4jeffsmessages@>,
>>>> Jeff Lindstrom <> wrote:
>>>>> I have a 5040 and it can receive shows from other 5xxx machines,
>>>>> but it can't receive a show from DVArchive, so I take that as
>>>>> a limitation of DVArchive
>>>>No, something's broken.
>>>>Your 5040 should easily be able to stream shows from DVArchive.
>>>>As for MOVING the show FROM DVArchive OVER TO the 5040 such that it
>>>>resides on the 5040, you've never been able to do that.
>>> When I said 'receive', I meant 'receive', not 'stream'. My 5040 can
>>>stream shows just fine from DVArchive on my 850 MHz PIII.
>>> It cannot *receive* shows from DVArchive (as it can from other 5xxx
>>>machines) because DVArchive cannot *send* shows. I take that as a
>>>limitation of DVArchive.
>> OK, some people do mix up those terms. "Receiving" (not "streaming")
>> is using IVS, which DVA does not support. This is a limitation of DVA,
>> probably for good reason. IVS requires the Replay server, which would
>> allow them to see that you're doig something you're not supposed to.
>The reason for the Replay servers is to keep track of the Replay units
>in an internet world where your ip address at the beginning of the send
>may be different from the end. Future editions of Poopli will not
>require the DNNA servers.
Probably, but notice that they could at any time without your consent
or even knowledge,
> I doubt DNNA monitors anything regarding
>transfers. If they did, you would think when the cleaning people pull
>out the extension cord running the IVS servers on Friday night and bring
>down IVS, somebody would have it rebooted before Monday morning.
Any data collection is likely to be automated, and not checked often.
It could be weeks or longer before they find out.
Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx
"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."