Is ReplayTV's ethernet ability 2 way?



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Does anybody know if ReplayTV's ethernet lets you offload programs to the
PC AND from the PC back on when you want to watch them? Basically, I'm
wondering if I can use it as a video capture and video out for the PC -
record to it off a VCR, send it to the PC and edit, then play it on the
ReplayTV when I want.
For email response, or CC, please
Yeah, it's really a real address :)
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You want DVArchive. It's free at The PC will appear
as an RTV and let you playback through any networked RTV. It does a lot
more too - you'll like it!

> Does anybody know if ReplayTV's ethernet lets you offload programs to
> the PC AND from the PC back on when you want to watch them?
> Basically, I'm wondering if I can use it as a video capture and video
> out for the PC - record to it off a VCR, send it to the PC and edit,
> then play it on the ReplayTV when I want.
> --
> _____________________________________________________
> For email response, or CC, please
> Yeah, it's really a real
> address :)
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> Does anybody know if ReplayTV's ethernet lets you offload programs to the
> PC AND from the PC back on when you want to watch them? Basically, I'm
> wondering if I can use it as a video capture and video out for the PC -
> record to it off a VCR, send it to the PC and edit, then play it on the
> ReplayTV when I want.
> --
> _____________________________________________________
> For email response, or CC, please
> Yeah, it's really a real address :)

Depends on the PC. I have 3 PC's which can run DVArchive (A virtual
replay for your PC ) 2 of them actually do run it (I
have not spent enough time with the linux box, it's my fault it's not
running there)

The Laptop I'm typing this on is a 366Mhz P2 running win-98 and is not
fast enough to serve shows back to the replay off it's external HD.

Plug the very same external HD into the Win-xp machine and I can, and
have many times, watched shows that have already been downloaded to the
PC on the replay. (I usually download to the external HD cause the
Desktop and do it faster and the laptop can then watch it farther from
home, L Ike 16 miles just now)

So it depends on the computer, I'd guess 500Mhz is minimum with win98
and about a gig with XP
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On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:14:36 -0800, wrote:

>Does anybody know if ReplayTV's ethernet lets you offload programs to the
>PC AND from the PC back on when you want to watch them? Basically, I'm
>wondering if I can use it as a video capture and video out for the PC -
>record to it off a VCR, send it to the PC and edit, then play it on the
>ReplayTV when I want.

DVArchive ( will allow you to transfer shows
from the Replay to a PC.

There is no easy way to copy them back to the Replay, but if you copy
(not export) then to DVA, you can watch them from a Replay

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."
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> Does anybody know if ReplayTV's ethernet lets you offload programs to the
> PC AND from the PC back on when you want to watch them? Basically, I'm
> wondering if I can use it as a video capture and video out for the PC -
> record to it off a VCR, send it to the PC and edit, then play it on the
> ReplayTV when I want.

If you edit the movie, then you can't watch it on an RTV:

However, once you download it to a PC, your PC can act like another
replay unit, if you leave the DVArchive server running. That means you
can watch the downloaded shows directly from the PC on your RTV, without
having to upload them.
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ST <> wrote in news:5cIUd.44925$EL5.6191@trnddc05:

>> Does anybody know if ReplayTV's ethernet lets you offload programs to
>> the PC AND from the PC back on when you want to watch them?
>> Basically, I'm wondering if I can use it as a video capture and video
>> out for the PC - record to it off a VCR, send it to the PC and edit,
>> then play it on the ReplayTV when I want.
> If you edit the movie, then you can't watch it on an RTV:
> However, once you download it to a PC, your PC can act like another
> replay unit, if you leave the DVArchive server running. That means
> you can watch the downloaded shows directly from the PC on your RTV,
> without having to upload them.

For a primer on the software and technique, go to

Works just fine. I've done my own DVD rips, downloaded dozens of BBC
documentaries, downloaded the SuperBowl commercials, downloaded Carl
Sagan's Cosmos series, etc.

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Mark Lloyd wrote:

> There is no easy way to copy them back to the Replay, but if you copy
> (not export) then to DVA, you can watch them from a Replay
> (streaming).

So long as the computer is fast enough (My laptop is not, but my other
computers are) you just leave DVA running, jump up to the top of the
replay guide and select a different replay.

In my house the replays are "Basement" and "Living Room" but the list
will also show a "Main". Main is the 1.8Ghz Win-xp box and it serves up
the same as basement
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On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 22:52:16 GMT, John in Detroit
<> wrote:

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> There is no easy way to copy them back to the Replay, but if you copy
>> (not export) then to DVA, you can watch them from a Replay
>> (streaming).
>So long as the computer is fast enough (My laptop is not, but my other
>computers are) you just leave DVA running, jump up to the top of the
>replay guide and select a different replay.
>In my house the replays are "Basement" and "Living Room" but the list
>will also show a "Main". Main is the 1.8Ghz Win-xp box and it serves up
>the same as basement

Yes, it does that. You can select a show on that Replay (the one
that's actually DVArchive) and it streams (not copies) the show just
like a real Replay.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."
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John in Detroit wrote:

> So long as the computer is fast enough (My laptop is not, but my other
> computers are) you just leave DVA running, jump up to the top of the
> replay guide and select a different replay.

Or use the QuickSkip button to cycle (quickly skip?) though your
multiple ReplayTV's.
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:

> Does anybody know if ReplayTV's ethernet lets you offload programs to
> the PC AND from the PC back on when you want to watch them?
> Basically, I'm wondering if I can use it as a video capture and video
> out for the PC - record to it off a VCR, send it to the PC and edit,
> then play it on the ReplayTV when I want.

DVArchive will let you transfer shows to your PC, but not the other way
(that ability was never added to DVArchive).

However, you can play back shows on your ReplayTV over the network from
your PC. Operation is all but identical to shows on your RTV (the Jump
forward and Jump Back are not quite seamless). You can still record to


NOTE: Remove underscores from my e-mail address to reply personally.
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Jeff Lindstrom wrote:

> DVArchive will let you transfer shows to your PC, but not the other way
> (that ability was never added to DVArchive).

Actually... DVArchive has no restrictions. I've transfered a show from
BASEMENT (A 5504) to MAIN (A windows xp box running DVA) and then to
LAPTOP (A windows 98se box running DVA)

What does not have the ability to do it is the Replay. The only way the
replay has to "Get" a show from a networked replay is via the "Stream"
function, it does not transfer.

Though in theory you could re-record it, there would be generation loss
and may well be other "Issues" as well

But the restriction is on the replay, it's simply not an option to
"Move" a show TO the replay, And DVA's "move" is only TO DVA not from,
simply because the replays are only set up to RECEIVE from the internet,
not from intranet (Local LAN)

Though, in theory, it should be possible to write a program which would
serve a show up to a 50xx, Just not to a 55xx
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On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 22:18:07 GMT, John in Detroit
<> wrote:

>Jeff Lindstrom wrote:
>> DVArchive will let you transfer shows to your PC, but not the other way
>> (that ability was never added to DVArchive).
>Actually... DVArchive has no restrictions. I've transfered a show from
>BASEMENT (A 5504) to MAIN (A windows xp box running DVA) and then to
>LAPTOP (A windows 98se box running DVA)
>What does not have the ability to do it is the Replay. The only way the
>replay has to "Get" a show from a networked replay is via the "Stream"
>function, it does not transfer.
>Though in theory you could re-record it, there would be generation loss
>and may well be other "Issues" as well
>But the restriction is on the replay, it's simply not an option to
>"Move" a show TO the replay, And DVA's "move" is only TO DVA not from,
>simply because the replays are only set up to RECEIVE from the internet,
>not from intranet (Local LAN)
>Though, in theory, it should be possible to write a program which would
>serve a show up to a 50xx, Just not to a 55xx

The "move to DVA" is streaming as far as the Replay is concerned. DVA
captures it.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."
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John in Detroit <> wrote:

> Jeff Lindstrom wrote:
>> DVArchive will let you transfer shows to your PC, but not the other
>> way
>> (that ability was never added to DVArchive).
> Actually... DVArchive has no restrictions. I've transfered a show
> from BASEMENT (A 5504) to MAIN (A windows xp box running DVA) and then
> to LAPTOP (A windows 98se box running DVA)
> What does not have the ability to do it is the Replay. The only way
> the replay has to "Get" a show from a networked replay is via the
> "Stream" function, it does not transfer.

I have a 5040 and it can receive shows from other 5xxx machines, but it
can't receive a show from DVArchive, so I take that as a limitation of
DVArchive (also, I remember a comment by the author about how he didn't
write sharing into the network driver).

I haven't tried it on a LAN (I only have one), but I wasn't aware of any


NOTE: Remove underscores from my e-mail address to reply personally.
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In article <Xns962AADA933A4jeffsmessages@>,
Jeff Lindstrom <> wrote:

> I have a 5040 and it can receive shows from other 5xxx machines, but it
> can't receive a show from DVArchive, so I take that as a limitation of
> DVArchive

No, something's broken.

Your 5040 should easily be able to stream shows from DVArchive.

As for MOVING the show FROM DVArchive OVER TO the 5040 such that it
resides on the 5040, you've never been able to do that.
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On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 03:02:06 -0600, Jeff Lindstrom
<> wrote:

>John in Detroit <> wrote:
>> Jeff Lindstrom wrote:
>>> DVArchive will let you transfer shows to your PC, but not the other
>>> way
>>> (that ability was never added to DVArchive).
>> Actually... DVArchive has no restrictions. I've transfered a show
>> from BASEMENT (A 5504) to MAIN (A windows xp box running DVA) and then
>> to LAPTOP (A windows 98se box running DVA)
>> What does not have the ability to do it is the Replay. The only way
>> the replay has to "Get" a show from a networked replay is via the
>> "Stream" function, it does not transfer.
> I have a 5040 and it can receive shows from other 5xxx machines, but it
>can't receive a show from DVArchive,

Can the other Replay? You may have a configuration problem on the
Replay that's not working (or, less likely, a firewall problem on the
DVA machine). Of course, that Replay could still be defective.

> so I take that as a limitation of
>DVArchive (also, I remember a comment by the author about how he didn't
>write sharing into the network driver).

Can you install DVA on more than one computer? This would allow you to
try streaming shows from one DVA to the other. I have, and the
transfers worked fine. That's using the same code as when you do to
stream to a Replay.

The author's comment (above) probably referred to IVS, which is
something very different from streaming, as is used above. Copying
from Replay to DVA is streaming (which DVA captures), not IVS.

> I haven't tried it on a LAN (I only have one), but I wasn't aware of any

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."
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Mark Lloyd wrote:

> The "move to DVA" is streaming as far as the Replay is concerned. DVA
> captures it.

Yes, I know... However the Replay itself does not have the ability to
capture a return stream, Thus the restriction or limitation is not in
DVA but in the Replay program. That is my point. DVA can do it, and
does between different copies of DVA, but the replay itself can not.
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On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:04:43 GMT, John in Detroit
<> wrote:

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> The "move to DVA" is streaming as far as the Replay is concerned. DVA
>> captures it.
>Yes, I know... However the Replay itself does not have the ability to
>capture a return stream,

And is seems unlikely they will provide one.

> Thus the restriction or limitation is not in
>DVA but in the Replay program. That is my point. DVA can do it, and
>does between different copies of DVA, but the replay itself can not.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."
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Jeff Lindstrom wrote:

> I have a 5040 and it can receive shows from other 5xxx machines, but it
> can't receive a show from DVArchive, so I take that as a limitation of
> DVArchive (also, I remember a comment by the author about how he didn't
> write sharing into the network driver).
> I haven't tried it on a LAN (I only have one), but I wasn't aware of any
> restrictions.

I think we are talking about two different things here. The 50xx treats
internet (External to your house) and intranet (For purposes of this
discussion this means "internal to your house" differently.

Yes, DVA does not have IVS built in, However it can stream a show to the
5xxx I've done it many times... The show does not MOVE however, just
plays. My 50xx also can not "receive" shows from my 55xx (and the other
way around) however they both can play shows recorded on the other
machine, IN fact, as I type this I'm watching a show recorded on the
50xx which is playing on the 55xx.. I could just as easily "Move" the
show to MAIN (Which is a windows xp computer) and watch it on either
replay... About the only thing that does not work well is streaming
to/from my laptop.. And that's a limit on the laptop.

It is my understanding, though I do not have the "hack" yet, that there
is a "hack" for DVA that will allow IVS...

But I've never actually seen it.
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On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:10:38 GMT, John in Detroit
<> wrote:

>Jeff Lindstrom wrote:
>> I have a 5040 and it can receive shows from other 5xxx machines, but it
>> can't receive a show from DVArchive, so I take that as a limitation of
>> DVArchive (also, I remember a comment by the author about how he didn't
>> write sharing into the network driver).
>> I haven't tried it on a LAN (I only have one), but I wasn't aware of any
>> restrictions.
>I think we are talking about two different things here. The 50xx treats
>internet (External to your house) and intranet (For purposes of this
>discussion this means "internal to your house" differently.
>Yes, DVA does not have IVS built in, However it can stream a show to the
>5xxx I've done it many times... The show does not MOVE however, just
>plays. My 50xx also can not "receive" shows from my 55xx (and the other
>way around) however they both can play shows recorded on the other
>machine, IN fact, as I type this I'm watching a show recorded on the
>50xx which is playing on the 55xx.. I could just as easily "Move" the
>show to MAIN (Which is a windows xp computer) and watch it on either
>replay... About the only thing that does not work well is streaming
>to/from my laptop.. And that's a limit on the laptop.
>It is my understanding, though I do not have the "hack" yet, that there
>is a "hack" for DVA that will allow IVS...
>But I've never actually seen it.

I haven't either (although I do know of a hack to allow it on 55xx).
IVS incolves the Replay server (streaming does not), and they would be
able to detect your action.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."