Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)
I've got too many episodes of some series on my computer hard drives in my
DVArchive directory and I need to free up some space. I wanted to offload
some of them to DVD storage (just as ReplayTV files). What I tried to do was
copy them to a DVD disk as data figuring later to be able to just copy them
back from the DVD disk into the ReplayTV directory on DVArchive and play
them by one of my three ReplayTV's over the Network.
I have been editing ReplayTV MPG files using MPEG-VCR software to take out
advertisements and burning them to DVD as data files to be able to be played
later in my laptop when traveling. I can get more data on a disk by leaving
them as MPEG's because I record in low quality. Medium quality is
recommended for DVD movies.
I've had no trouble burning those MPEG files onto both DVD-R and DVD+R disks
and they play fine using Windows Media Player or Real Player on any computer
so I don't have any hardware issues in burning data disks and reading them.
I've also burned regular DVD movie disks on DVD+RW media and they play fine
in my DVD player as well in my computer DVD drive.
When I burn ReplayTV files directly onto a DVD data disk I get the
following error right at the end of the burn:
Error Writing the Disk
I/O Error (2a/04/09/01) - Tracking servo failure
Error - Operation Wasn't successful
When I try to read the disk it hangs up my system until the disk is removed.
The disk is definately hosed. I've ruined 15 disks now trying anything and
everything I can think of to get these files backed up.
Each program has 4 files with the following extensions using MyMovie as a
Additionally, some have a MyMovie.bak file (maybe 20% of the programs have
the .bak). I don't understand why some have a .bak file and some don't. To
me, it seems obvious that some of the ReplayTV files cause problems when
burned to removable media such as DVD.
Has anyone had similar experiences backing up ReplayTV files and if so, what
was the resolution?
I've tried to burn the replayTV files straight out of the Local_guide folder
defined to DVArchive into the root directory on the DVD as data files
without any folders. I've also built a "ReplayTV" folder with the "Import"
and "Local_Guide" folders inside and copyied the files from the Local_Guide
folder in the DVArchive directory to the Local_Guide folder in the ReplayTV
folder I built. Then I burned the "ReplayTV" folder to the DVD containg the
sub-folders and the files. No Matter, SEDD (Same Error Different Disk) 🙂
No matter how I try to organize the files, when I burn them, I get this same
error. It goes through the whole burn just fine and croak's right at the
end. I've tried burning at 1X speed. Ive tried DVD-R, DVD+R, and DVD+RW
media. I've tried less data to make sure I'm not having space issues. I can
burn just about anything to a DVD data disk I want as long as it's not these
ReplayTV files. I'm totally frustrated now! H E L P.........
Are there any known problems backing up ReplayTV files to a DVD disk without
modifying them so they can be copied back into the ReplayTV directory later?
Does anyone else save programs on offline storage media in original ReplayTV
format or is there a reason to store ReplayTV material on a hard drive only?
Does anyone know why some programs have .bak files and most don't. Do I need
to save those .bak files when saving ReplayTV files to a DVD data disk? What
is the function of those .bak files?
I am using an Iomega Super DVD external USB 2.0 Drive on a P4 2.8 box with a
Asus P4P800 MB and dual memory configuration if that makes any difference to
anyone trying to help me with the problem.
Thanks one and all for any help you can direct my way.
Bill T.
I've got too many episodes of some series on my computer hard drives in my
DVArchive directory and I need to free up some space. I wanted to offload
some of them to DVD storage (just as ReplayTV files). What I tried to do was
copy them to a DVD disk as data figuring later to be able to just copy them
back from the DVD disk into the ReplayTV directory on DVArchive and play
them by one of my three ReplayTV's over the Network.
I have been editing ReplayTV MPG files using MPEG-VCR software to take out
advertisements and burning them to DVD as data files to be able to be played
later in my laptop when traveling. I can get more data on a disk by leaving
them as MPEG's because I record in low quality. Medium quality is
recommended for DVD movies.
I've had no trouble burning those MPEG files onto both DVD-R and DVD+R disks
and they play fine using Windows Media Player or Real Player on any computer
so I don't have any hardware issues in burning data disks and reading them.
I've also burned regular DVD movie disks on DVD+RW media and they play fine
in my DVD player as well in my computer DVD drive.
When I burn ReplayTV files directly onto a DVD data disk I get the
following error right at the end of the burn:
Error Writing the Disk
I/O Error (2a/04/09/01) - Tracking servo failure
Error - Operation Wasn't successful
When I try to read the disk it hangs up my system until the disk is removed.
The disk is definately hosed. I've ruined 15 disks now trying anything and
everything I can think of to get these files backed up.
Each program has 4 files with the following extensions using MyMovie as a
Additionally, some have a MyMovie.bak file (maybe 20% of the programs have
the .bak). I don't understand why some have a .bak file and some don't. To
me, it seems obvious that some of the ReplayTV files cause problems when
burned to removable media such as DVD.
Has anyone had similar experiences backing up ReplayTV files and if so, what
was the resolution?
I've tried to burn the replayTV files straight out of the Local_guide folder
defined to DVArchive into the root directory on the DVD as data files
without any folders. I've also built a "ReplayTV" folder with the "Import"
and "Local_Guide" folders inside and copyied the files from the Local_Guide
folder in the DVArchive directory to the Local_Guide folder in the ReplayTV
folder I built. Then I burned the "ReplayTV" folder to the DVD containg the
sub-folders and the files. No Matter, SEDD (Same Error Different Disk) 🙂
No matter how I try to organize the files, when I burn them, I get this same
error. It goes through the whole burn just fine and croak's right at the
end. I've tried burning at 1X speed. Ive tried DVD-R, DVD+R, and DVD+RW
media. I've tried less data to make sure I'm not having space issues. I can
burn just about anything to a DVD data disk I want as long as it's not these
ReplayTV files. I'm totally frustrated now! H E L P.........
Are there any known problems backing up ReplayTV files to a DVD disk without
modifying them so they can be copied back into the ReplayTV directory later?
Does anyone else save programs on offline storage media in original ReplayTV
format or is there a reason to store ReplayTV material on a hard drive only?
Does anyone know why some programs have .bak files and most don't. Do I need
to save those .bak files when saving ReplayTV files to a DVD data disk? What
is the function of those .bak files?
I am using an Iomega Super DVD external USB 2.0 Drive on a P4 2.8 box with a
Asus P4P800 MB and dual memory configuration if that makes any difference to
anyone trying to help me with the problem.
Thanks one and all for any help you can direct my way.
Bill T.