Problem Saving ReplayTV Formatted Files on Data DVD - Plea..



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I've got too many episodes of some series on my computer hard drives in my
DVArchive directory and I need to free up some space. I wanted to offload
some of them to DVD storage (just as ReplayTV files). What I tried to do was
copy them to a DVD disk as data figuring later to be able to just copy them
back from the DVD disk into the ReplayTV directory on DVArchive and play
them by one of my three ReplayTV's over the Network.

I have been editing ReplayTV MPG files using MPEG-VCR software to take out
advertisements and burning them to DVD as data files to be able to be played
later in my laptop when traveling. I can get more data on a disk by leaving
them as MPEG's because I record in low quality. Medium quality is
recommended for DVD movies.

I've had no trouble burning those MPEG files onto both DVD-R and DVD+R disks
and they play fine using Windows Media Player or Real Player on any computer
so I don't have any hardware issues in burning data disks and reading them.
I've also burned regular DVD movie disks on DVD+RW media and they play fine
in my DVD player as well in my computer DVD drive.

When I burn ReplayTV files directly onto a DVD data disk I get the
following error right at the end of the burn:

Error Writing the Disk
I/O Error (2a/04/09/01) - Tracking servo failure
Error - Operation Wasn't successful

When I try to read the disk it hangs up my system until the disk is removed.
The disk is definately hosed. I've ruined 15 disks now trying anything and
everything I can think of to get these files backed up.

Each program has 4 files with the following extensions using MyMovie as a


Additionally, some have a MyMovie.bak file (maybe 20% of the programs have
the .bak). I don't understand why some have a .bak file and some don't. To
me, it seems obvious that some of the ReplayTV files cause problems when
burned to removable media such as DVD.

Has anyone had similar experiences backing up ReplayTV files and if so, what
was the resolution?

I've tried to burn the replayTV files straight out of the Local_guide folder
defined to DVArchive into the root directory on the DVD as data files
without any folders. I've also built a "ReplayTV" folder with the "Import"
and "Local_Guide" folders inside and copyied the files from the Local_Guide
folder in the DVArchive directory to the Local_Guide folder in the ReplayTV
folder I built. Then I burned the "ReplayTV" folder to the DVD containg the
sub-folders and the files. No Matter, SEDD (Same Error Different Disk) 🙂

No matter how I try to organize the files, when I burn them, I get this same
error. It goes through the whole burn just fine and croak's right at the
end. I've tried burning at 1X speed. Ive tried DVD-R, DVD+R, and DVD+RW
media. I've tried less data to make sure I'm not having space issues. I can
burn just about anything to a DVD data disk I want as long as it's not these
ReplayTV files. I'm totally frustrated now! H E L P.........

Are there any known problems backing up ReplayTV files to a DVD disk without
modifying them so they can be copied back into the ReplayTV directory later?

Does anyone else save programs on offline storage media in original ReplayTV
format or is there a reason to store ReplayTV material on a hard drive only?

Does anyone know why some programs have .bak files and most don't. Do I need
to save those .bak files when saving ReplayTV files to a DVD data disk? What
is the function of those .bak files?

I am using an Iomega Super DVD external USB 2.0 Drive on a P4 2.8 box with a
Asus P4P800 MB and dual memory configuration if that makes any difference to
anyone trying to help me with the problem.

Thanks one and all for any help you can direct my way.

Bill T.
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On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 21:48:07 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:

>I've got too many episodes of some series on my computer hard drives in my
>DVArchive directory and I need to free up some space. I wanted to offload
>some of them to DVD storage (just as ReplayTV files). What I tried to do was
>copy them to a DVD disk as data figuring later to be able to just copy them
>back from the DVD disk into the ReplayTV directory on DVArchive and play
>them by one of my three ReplayTV's over the Network.
>I have been editing ReplayTV MPG files using MPEG-VCR software to take out
>advertisements and burning them to DVD as data files to be able to be played
>later in my laptop when traveling. I can get more data on a disk by leaving
>them as MPEG's because I record in low quality. Medium quality is
>recommended for DVD movies.
>I've had no trouble burning those MPEG files onto both DVD-R and DVD+R disks
>and they play fine using Windows Media Player or Real Player on any computer
>so I don't have any hardware issues in burning data disks and reading them.
>I've also burned regular DVD movie disks on DVD+RW media and they play fine
>in my DVD player as well in my computer DVD drive.
>When I burn ReplayTV files directly onto a DVD data disk I get the
>following error right at the end of the burn:
>Error Writing the Disk
>I/O Error (2a/04/09/01) - Tracking servo failure
>Error - Operation Wasn't successful

That error (when seen on so many different DVDs) sounds like a burner

I have recorded a lot of DVDs with Replay files (mostly video DVDs)
and haven't gotten that error. You could try to locate it by trying
different things, such as different DVD burning software, or
uninstalling/reinstalling that USB driver. Maybe trying that burner on
a different computer.

>When I try to read the disk it hangs up my system until the disk is removed.
>The disk is definately hosed. I've ruined 15 disks now trying anything and
>everything I can think of to get these files backed up.
>Each program has 4 files with the following extensions using MyMovie as a
>Additionally, some have a MyMovie.bak file (maybe 20% of the programs have
>the .bak). I don't understand why some have a .bak file and some don't. To
>me, it seems obvious that some of the ReplayTV files cause problems when
>burned to removable media such as DVD.

Replay and DVA shouldn't be creating any .BAK files. Are you using a
video editing program? It the .BAK file as large (or about as large)
as the .MPG? Try renaming "MyMovie.BAK" to "MM.MPG" and playing it to
see what it is.

>Has anyone had similar experiences backing up ReplayTV files and if so, what
>was the resolution?
>I've tried to burn the replayTV files straight out of the Local_guide folder
>defined to DVArchive into the root directory on the DVD as data files
>without any folders. I've also built a "ReplayTV" folder with the "Import"

Note that "Import" is used only DURING transfers to DVA and does not
need to be backed up.

>and "Local_Guide" folders inside and copyied the files from the Local_Guide
>folder in the DVArchive directory to the Local_Guide folder in the ReplayTV
>folder I built. Then I burned the "ReplayTV" folder to the DVD containg the
>sub-folders and the files. No Matter, SEDD (Same Error Different Disk) 🙂
>No matter how I try to organize the files, when I burn them, I get this same
>error. It goes through the whole burn just fine and croak's right at the
>end. I've tried burning at 1X speed. Ive tried DVD-R, DVD+R, and DVD+RW
>media. I've tried less data to make sure I'm not having space issues. I can
>burn just about anything to a DVD data disk I want as long as it's not these
>ReplayTV files. I'm totally frustrated now! H E L P.........
>Are there any known problems backing up ReplayTV files to a DVD disk without
>modifying them so they can be copied back into the ReplayTV directory later?
>Does anyone else save programs on offline storage media in original ReplayTV
>format or is there a reason to store ReplayTV material on a hard drive only?

I don't. I find it just as easy to play video DVD as to play on the
Replay, so just use that.

>Does anyone know why some programs have .bak files and most don't. Do I need
>to save those .bak files when saving ReplayTV files to a DVD data disk? What
>is the function of those .bak files?
>I am using an Iomega Super DVD external USB 2.0 Drive on a P4 2.8 box with a
>Asus P4P800 MB and dual memory configuration if that makes any difference to
>anyone trying to help me with the problem.

My video computer is about the same, but 3GHz.

>Thanks one and all for any help you can direct my way.
>Bill T.

97 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: (More info?)

seahawk wrote:
> I've got too many episodes of some series on my computer hard drives in my
> DVArchive directory and I need to free up some space. I wanted to offload
> some of them to DVD storage (just as ReplayTV files). What I tried to do was
> copy them to a DVD disk as data figuring later to be able to just copy them
> back from the DVD disk into the ReplayTV directory on DVArchive and play
> them by one of my three ReplayTV's over the Network.
> I have been editing ReplayTV MPG files using MPEG-VCR software to take out
> advertisements and burning them to DVD as data files to be able to be played
> later in my laptop when traveling. I can get more data on a disk by leaving
> them as MPEG's because I record in low quality. Medium quality is
> recommended for DVD movies.
> I've had no trouble burning those MPEG files onto both DVD-R and DVD+R disks
> and they play fine using Windows Media Player or Real Player on any computer
> so I don't have any hardware issues in burning data disks and reading them.
> I've also burned regular DVD movie disks on DVD+RW media and they play fine
> in my DVD player as well in my computer DVD drive.
> When I burn ReplayTV files directly onto a DVD data disk I get the
> following error right at the end of the burn:
> Error Writing the Disk
> I/O Error (2a/04/09/01) - Tracking servo failure
> Error - Operation Wasn't successful
> When I try to read the disk it hangs up my system until the disk is removed.
> The disk is definately hosed. I've ruined 15 disks now trying anything and
> everything I can think of to get these files backed up.
> Each program has 4 files with the following extensions using MyMovie as a
> filename:
> MyMovie.evt
> MyMovie.mpg
> MyMovie.ndx
> MyMovie.xml
> Additionally, some have a MyMovie.bak file (maybe 20% of the programs have
> the .bak). I don't understand why some have a .bak file and some don't. To
> me, it seems obvious that some of the ReplayTV files cause problems when
> burned to removable media such as DVD.
> Has anyone had similar experiences backing up ReplayTV files and if so, what
> was the resolution?
> I've tried to burn the replayTV files straight out of the Local_guide folder
> defined to DVArchive into the root directory on the DVD as data files
> without any folders. I've also built a "ReplayTV" folder with the "Import"
> and "Local_Guide" folders inside and copyied the files from the Local_Guide
> folder in the DVArchive directory to the Local_Guide folder in the ReplayTV
> folder I built. Then I burned the "ReplayTV" folder to the DVD containg the
> sub-folders and the files. No Matter, SEDD (Same Error Different Disk) 🙂

> I am using an Iomega Super DVD external USB 2.0 Drive on a P4 2.8 box with a
> Asus P4P800 MB and dual memory configuration if that makes any difference to
> anyone trying to help me with the problem.
> Thanks one and all for any help you can direct my way.

A Replay file is just a file as far as data is concerned. Are you
telling the burning program you are making a "data disk" or a "dvd
video" disk? Data is just storage, video has to be authored.
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Tony D wrote:
> seahawk wrote:
>> I've got too many episodes of some series on my computer hard drives
>> in my DVArchive directory and I need to free up some space. I wanted
>> to offload some of them to DVD storage (just as ReplayTV files).
>> What I tried to do was copy them to a DVD disk as data figuring
>> later to be able to just copy them back from the DVD disk into the
>> ReplayTV directory on DVArchive and play them by one of my three
>> ReplayTV's over the Network.
>> I have been editing ReplayTV MPG files using MPEG-VCR software to
>> take out advertisements and burning them to DVD as data files to be
>> able to be played later in my laptop when traveling. I can get more
>> data on a disk by leaving them as MPEG's because I record in low
>> quality. Medium quality is recommended for DVD movies.
>> I've had no trouble burning those MPEG files onto both DVD-R and
>> DVD+R disks and they play fine using Windows Media Player or Real
>> Player on any computer so I don't have any hardware issues in
>> burning data disks and reading them. I've also burned regular DVD
>> movie disks on DVD+RW media and they play fine in my DVD player as
>> well in my computer DVD drive.
>> When I burn ReplayTV files directly onto a DVD data disk I get the
>> following error right at the end of the burn:
>> Error Writing the Disk
>> I/O Error (2a/04/09/01) - Tracking servo failure
>> Error - Operation Wasn't successful
>> When I try to read the disk it hangs up my system until the disk is
>> removed. The disk is definately hosed. I've ruined 15 disks now
>> trying anything and everything I can think of to get these files
>> backed up.
>> Each program has 4 files with the following extensions using MyMovie
>> as a filename:
>> MyMovie.evt
>> MyMovie.mpg
>> MyMovie.ndx
>> MyMovie.xml
>> Additionally, some have a MyMovie.bak file (maybe 20% of the
>> programs have the .bak). I don't understand why some have a .bak
>> file and some don't. To me, it seems obvious that some of the
>> ReplayTV files cause problems when burned to removable media such as
>> DVD.
>> Has anyone had similar experiences backing up ReplayTV files and if
>> so, what was the resolution?
>> I've tried to burn the replayTV files straight out of the
>> Local_guide folder defined to DVArchive into the root directory on
>> the DVD as data files without any folders. I've also built a
>> "ReplayTV" folder with the "Import" and "Local_Guide" folders inside
>> and copyied the files from the Local_Guide folder in the DVArchive
>> directory to the Local_Guide folder in the ReplayTV folder I built.
>> Then I burned the "ReplayTV" folder to the DVD containg the
>> sub-folders and the files. No Matter, SEDD (Same Error Different
>> Disk) 🙂
>> I am using an Iomega Super DVD external USB 2.0 Drive on a P4 2.8
>> box with a Asus P4P800 MB and dual memory configuration if that
>> makes any difference to anyone trying to help me with the problem.
>> Thanks one and all for any help you can direct my way.
> A Replay file is just a file as far as data is concerned. Are you
> telling the burning program you are making a "data disk" or a "dvd
> video" disk? Data is just storage, video has to be authored.

DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV files. I
understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks also successfully. I
guess I'll have to try and author the files and burn them to DVD video if I
don't run into a problem with the "low quality" recordings. Lot more work
than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.

Bill T.

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Archived from groups: (More info?)

>DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV files. I
>understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks also successfully. I
>guess I'll have to try and author the files and burn them to DVD video if I
>don't run into a problem with the "low quality" recordings.

Are you thinking of the aspect ratio here? I do it a lot, and the DVDs
will play right. They come out 4:3 even though the PC screen shows

If you can create a video DVD OK, just have problems with making a
data DVD, it's probably working right because you're using different
software. What software are you using for data DVD? video DVD? Did you
try different software?

>Lot more work
>than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.

97 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: (More info?)

> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV files. I
> understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks also successfully. I
> guess I'll have to try and author the files and burn them to DVD video if I
> don't run into a problem with the "low quality" recordings. Lot more work
> than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.
Replay 5k files are "standard" mpeg 2 files. Std quality and Med quality
recordings are compliant with DVDs. High quality recordings have higher
bandwidth peaks than the DVD standard allows, so these may cause
problems authoring to dvd.

I just did what you are trying to do with Nero and it worked perfectly.
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seahawk wrote:

I'm not going to quote back but I will add my voice to the list of those
reporting "NO PROBLEMS" when burring to dvd or dvd-r for later playback
on a computer. I used an MicroSolutions BACKPACK USB 2.0
DVD<everythign> recorder (+R, -R, RW) which is an NEC driver with a
Microsolutions interface. Not the only "Backpack" in my drive collection.

Now days I usually store on an external HD but it took a hit and is
giving me occasional problems. Thankfully it's rerun season this week
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Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>> files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks also
>> successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files and burn
>> them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the "low
>> quality" recordings.
> Are you thinking of the aspect ratio here? I do it a lot, and the DVDs
> will play right. They come out 4:3 even though the PC screen shows
> 6:4.
> If you can create a video DVD OK, just have problems with making a
> data DVD, it's probably working right because you're using different
> software. What software are you using for data DVD? video DVD? Did you
> try different software?
>> Lot more work
>> than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150
>> episodes.

I've used Iomega Hotburn pro, Sonic MYDVD, and Ulead DVD Movie Factory 3. I
have created both data DVD and Video DVD with all programs successfully.
Just when I try the ReplayTV files do I have a problem. I've ordered some
DVD+RW disks so I can hopefully reformat them and not have to ruin a disk
everytime I try something new. Then I'm going to burn each file type
separately to see if one type give me problems. I don't know what else to
do. Those files should just be data but something's weird.

Bill T.

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
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Tony D wrote:
>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>> files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks also
>> successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files and burn
>> them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the "low
>> quality" recordings. Lot more work than just backing them up to a
>> DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.
> Replay 5k files are "standard" mpeg 2 files. Std quality and Med
> quality recordings are compliant with DVDs. High quality recordings
> have higher bandwidth peaks than the DVD standard allows, so these
> may cause problems authoring to dvd.
> I just did what you are trying to do with Nero and it worked
> perfectly.

I have Nero but haven't installed it yet. Maybe I'll try that. BTW, I'm not
just burning the mpeg 2 files but also the 3 other files (with endings .evt
..ndx .xml). I'm pretty sure if I just burned the mpeg 2 files it would work
but it wouldn't work back on ReplayTV later without restoring all four files
for each video.

When you did it with Nero, did you burn all associated files from your
Local_Guide folder?

Bill T.

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 00:25:06 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>>> files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks also
>>> successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files and burn
>>> them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the "low
>>> quality" recordings.
>> Are you thinking of the aspect ratio here? I do it a lot, and the DVDs
>> will play right. They come out 4:3 even though the PC screen shows
>> 6:4.
>> If you can create a video DVD OK, just have problems with making a
>> data DVD, it's probably working right because you're using different
>> software. What software are you using for data DVD? video DVD? Did you
>> try different software?
>>> Lot more work
>>> than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150
>>> episodes.
>I've used Iomega Hotburn pro, Sonic MYDVD, and Ulead DVD Movie Factory 3.

I have used the last 2, as well as NEODVD and NeroVision Express 2, I
found Ulead to be best.

> I
>have created both data DVD and Video DVD with all programs successfully.
>Just when I try the ReplayTV files do I have a problem. I've ordered some
>DVD+RW disks so I can hopefully reformat them

Sounds like you're using "packet writing". Don't, that is unreliable.
Write to a DVD-RW (DVD+RW) the same way you would a DVD-R (DVD+R).
Erase the disk before using it (takes just 2 minutes).

>and not have to ruin a disk
>everytime I try something new. Then I'm going to burn each file type
>separately to see if one type give me problems. I don't know what else to
>do. Those files should just be data but something's weird.

File type should make no difference (these are all still files).
Perhaps they are in use. Try stopping DVArchive before burning the


I tried that (recording all 4 files for a show, while DVD running) to
a DVD (I use Nero 6). The recording was without error and the .MPG
played correctly.

Maybe you're getting interferance from that packet writing program
("ABCD"?) that you shouldn't have anyway. I don't know why the problem
would happen only with those files, but this does give you something
to try.

95 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Mark Lloyd wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 00:25:06 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:
>> Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>>>> files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks
>>>> also successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files
>>>> and burn them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the
>>>> "low quality" recordings.
>>> Are you thinking of the aspect ratio here? I do it a lot, and the
>>> DVDs will play right. They come out 4:3 even though the PC screen
>>> shows 6:4.
>>> If you can create a video DVD OK, just have problems with making a
>>> data DVD, it's probably working right because you're using different
>>> software. What software are you using for data DVD? video DVD? Did
>>> you try different software?
>>>> Lot more work
>>>> than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150
>>>> episodes.
>> I've used Iomega Hotburn pro, Sonic MYDVD, and Ulead DVD Movie
>> Factory 3.
> I have used the last 2, as well as NEODVD and NeroVision Express 2, I
> found Ulead to be best.
>> I
>> have created both data DVD and Video DVD with all programs
>> successfully. Just when I try the ReplayTV files do I have a
>> problem. I've ordered some DVD+RW disks so I can hopefully reformat
>> them
> Sounds like you're using "packet writing". Don't, that is unreliable.
> Write to a DVD-RW (DVD+RW) the same way you would a DVD-R (DVD+R).
> Erase the disk before using it (takes just 2 minutes).

Not using packet writing.

>> and not have to ruin a disk
>> everytime I try something new. Then I'm going to burn each file type
>> separately to see if one type give me problems. I don't know what
>> else to do. Those files should just be data but something's weird.
> File type should make no difference (these are all still files).
> Perhaps they are in use. Try stopping DVArchive before burning the

Not running anything except the burn program.

> DVD.
> ***
> I tried that (recording all 4 files for a show, while DVD running) to
> a DVD (I use Nero 6). The recording was without error and the .MPG
> played correctly.
> Maybe you're getting interferance from that packet writing program
> ("ABCD"?) that you shouldn't have anyway. I don't know why the problem
> would happen only with those files, but this does give you something
> to try.

Thanks for your help but it looks as if I am going to have to author the
mpeg 2 files and put them on dvd to watch later instead of brining them back
to ReplayTV. Bummer.

Bill T.

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 11:51:35 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 00:25:06 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:
>>> Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>>>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>>>>> files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks
>>>>> also successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files
>>>>> and burn them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the
>>>>> "low quality" recordings.
>>>> Are you thinking of the aspect ratio here? I do it a lot, and the
>>>> DVDs will play right. They come out 4:3 even though the PC screen
>>>> shows 6:4.
>>>> If you can create a video DVD OK, just have problems with making a
>>>> data DVD, it's probably working right because you're using different
>>>> software. What software are you using for data DVD? video DVD? Did
>>>> you try different software?
>>>>> Lot more work
>>>>> than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150
>>>>> episodes.
>>> I've used Iomega Hotburn pro, Sonic MYDVD, and Ulead DVD Movie
>>> Factory 3.
>> I have used the last 2, as well as NEODVD and NeroVision Express 2, I
>> found Ulead to be best.
>>> I
>>> have created both data DVD and Video DVD with all programs
>>> successfully. Just when I try the ReplayTV files do I have a
>>> problem. I've ordered some DVD+RW disks so I can hopefully reformat
>>> them
>> Sounds like you're using "packet writing". Don't, that is unreliable.
>> Write to a DVD-RW (DVD+RW) the same way you would a DVD-R (DVD+R).
>> Erase the disk before using it (takes just 2 minutes).
>Not using packet writing.

I thought that, because you used the word "format". CDs/DVDs are
formatted, but that's a part of burning them. A seperate formatting is
done only when you use packet writing. To re-use a -RW or +RW, you
just erase, not format, it.

>>> and not have to ruin a disk
>>> everytime I try something new. Then I'm going to burn each file type
>>> separately to see if one type give me problems. I don't know what
>>> else to do. Those files should just be data but something's weird.
>> File type should make no difference (these are all still files).
>> Perhaps they are in use. Try stopping DVArchive before burning the
>Not running anything except the burn program.

Good. Strange that you'd get an error with some files but not others.
They're just data. Are you sure those files are not currently in use?
Also, CD/DVD-burning may not work correctly across a network. Copy the
files to a local computer first. Even if it's not networked, copy the
files to a different directory first.

>> DVD.
>> ***
>> I tried that (recording all 4 files for a show, while DVD running) to
>> a DVD (I use Nero 6). The recording was without error and the .MPG
>> played correctly.
>> Maybe you're getting interferance from that packet writing program
>> ("ABCD"?) that you shouldn't have anyway. I don't know why the problem
>> would happen only with those files, but this does give you something
>> to try.
>Thanks for your help but it looks as if I am going to have to author the
>mpeg 2 files and put them on dvd to watch later instead of brining them back
>to ReplayTV. Bummer.

One more thing to try, create a video DVD on a rewritable disk.

I do that (authoring) all the time. I find the DVD player as easy to
operate as a Replay. Note that you need only the MPG file for this,
and you can edit it (such as to remove commercials).

Also, I was doing that for the 16 months of so it took to figure out
that undocumented thing it takes to get DVA to be recognized by the

95 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: (More info?)

If you have Nero, use NEROVISION to make the DVD. It works for me.

seahawk wrote:
> Tony D wrote:
>>>DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>>>files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks also
>>>successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files and burn
>>>them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the "low
>>>quality" recordings. Lot more work than just backing them up to a
>>>DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.
>>Replay 5k files are "standard" mpeg 2 files. Std quality and Med
>>quality recordings are compliant with DVDs. High quality recordings
>>have higher bandwidth peaks than the DVD standard allows, so these
>>may cause problems authoring to dvd.
>>I just did what you are trying to do with Nero and it worked
> I have Nero but haven't installed it yet. Maybe I'll try that. BTW, I'm not
> just burning the mpeg 2 files but also the 3 other files (with endings .evt
> .ndx .xml). I'm pretty sure if I just burned the mpeg 2 files it would work
> but it wouldn't work back on ReplayTV later without restoring all four files
> for each video.
> When you did it with Nero, did you burn all associated files from your
> Local_Guide folder?
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Mark Lloyd wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 11:51:35 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:
>> Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 00:25:06 -0800, "seahawk" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>>>>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of
>>>>>> ReplayTV files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD
>>>>>> video disks also successfully. I guess I'll have to try and
>>>>>> author the files and burn them to DVD video if I don't run into
>>>>>> a problem with the "low quality" recordings.
>>>>> Are you thinking of the aspect ratio here? I do it a lot, and the
>>>>> DVDs will play right. They come out 4:3 even though the PC screen
>>>>> shows 6:4.
>>>>> If you can create a video DVD OK, just have problems with making a
>>>>> data DVD, it's probably working right because you're using
>>>>> different software. What software are you using for data DVD?
>>>>> video DVD? Did you try different software?
>>>>>> Lot more work
>>>>>> than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150
>>>>>> episodes.
>>>> I've used Iomega Hotburn pro, Sonic MYDVD, and Ulead DVD Movie
>>>> Factory 3.
>>> I have used the last 2, as well as NEODVD and NeroVision Express 2,
>>> I found Ulead to be best.
>>>> I
>>>> have created both data DVD and Video DVD with all programs
>>>> successfully. Just when I try the ReplayTV files do I have a
>>>> problem. I've ordered some DVD+RW disks so I can hopefully reformat
>>>> them
>>> Sounds like you're using "packet writing". Don't, that is
>>> unreliable. Write to a DVD-RW (DVD+RW) the same way you would a
>>> DVD-R (DVD+R). Erase the disk before using it (takes just 2
>>> minutes).
>> Not using packet writing.
> I thought that, because you used the word "format". CDs/DVDs are
> formatted, but that's a part of burning them. A seperate formatting is
> done only when you use packet writing. To re-use a -RW or +RW, you
> just erase, not format, it.
>>>> and not have to ruin a disk
>>>> everytime I try something new. Then I'm going to burn each file
>>>> type separately to see if one type give me problems. I don't know
>>>> what else to do. Those files should just be data but something's
>>>> weird.
>>> File type should make no difference (these are all still files).
>>> Perhaps they are in use. Try stopping DVArchive before burning the
>> Not running anything except the burn program.
> Good. Strange that you'd get an error with some files but not others.
> They're just data. Are you sure those files are not currently in use?
> Also, CD/DVD-burning may not work correctly across a network. Copy the
> files to a local computer first. Even if it's not networked, copy the
> files to a different directory first.
>>> DVD.
>>> ***
>>> I tried that (recording all 4 files for a show, while DVD running)
>>> to a DVD (I use Nero 6). The recording was without error and the
>>> .MPG played correctly.
>>> Maybe you're getting interferance from that packet writing program
>>> ("ABCD"?) that you shouldn't have anyway. I don't know why the
>>> problem would happen only with those files, but this does give you
>>> something to try.
>> Thanks for your help but it looks as if I am going to have to author
>> the mpeg 2 files and put them on dvd to watch later instead of
>> brining them back to ReplayTV. Bummer.
> One more thing to try, create a video DVD on a rewritable disk.
> I do that (authoring) all the time. I find the DVD player as easy to
> operate as a Replay. Note that you need only the MPG file for this,
> and you can edit it (such as to remove commercials).
> Also, I was doing that for the 16 months of so it took to figure out
> that undocumented thing it takes to get DVA to be recognized by the
> Replay.

I also take the mpeg 2 files and using "MPEG-VCR", I edit out the comercials
and then burn them to DVD using "ULEAD MOVIE FACTORY 3". Works fine but I
just didn't want to go through the process with 150 episodes of Murder She
Wrote or 72 episodes of Ripley's Believe it or Not. It seemed so much
simpler to just burn the ReplayTV files to DVD as data and not have to do so
much work. Looks like I will have to bite the bullet and start authoring.

BTW, it looks as if the files with the .evt extensions are the one's causing
the problem. I burned a +RW disk adding the files in separate passes by
filetype and it gags when I try to burn the .evt files. Pretty strange huh?

Bill T.

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Joe Allison wrote:
> If you have Nero, use NEROVISION to make the DVD. It works for me.
> seahawk wrote:
>> Tony D wrote:
>>>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>>>> files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks
>>>> also successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files
>>>> and burn them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the
>>>> "low quality" recordings. Lot more work than just backing them up
>>>> to a DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.
>>> Replay 5k files are "standard" mpeg 2 files. Std quality and Med
>>> quality recordings are compliant with DVDs. High quality recordings
>>> have higher bandwidth peaks than the DVD standard allows, so these
>>> may cause problems authoring to dvd.
>>> I just did what you are trying to do with Nero and it worked
>>> perfectly.
>> I have Nero but haven't installed it yet. Maybe I'll try that. BTW,
>> I'm not just burning the mpeg 2 files but also the 3 other files
>> (with endings .evt .ndx .xml). I'm pretty sure if I just burned the
>> mpeg 2 files it would work but it wouldn't work back on ReplayTV
>> later without restoring all four files for each video.
>> When you did it with Nero, did you burn all associated files from
>> your Local_Guide folder?

I might install NERO and give it a try but I've already tried three other
programs with the same results. I can't imagine what could be causing this
but it appears as if the files with the .evt extension are the problem
childs. I can burn the other files types just fine but it gags on the .evt

Go figure.

Bill T.

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 13:28:18 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 11:51:35 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:
>>> Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 00:25:06 -0800, "seahawk" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>>>>>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of
>>>>>>> ReplayTV files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD
>>>>>>> video disks also successfully. I guess I'll have to try and
>>>>>>> author the files and burn them to DVD video if I don't run into
>>>>>>> a problem with the "low quality" recordings.
>>>>>> Are you thinking of the aspect ratio here? I do it a lot, and the
>>>>>> DVDs will play right. They come out 4:3 even though the PC screen
>>>>>> shows 6:4.
>>>>>> If you can create a video DVD OK, just have problems with making a
>>>>>> data DVD, it's probably working right because you're using
>>>>>> different software. What software are you using for data DVD?
>>>>>> video DVD? Did you try different software?
>>>>>>> Lot more work
>>>>>>> than just backing them up to a DVD data disk when I have 150
>>>>>>> episodes.
>>>>> I've used Iomega Hotburn pro, Sonic MYDVD, and Ulead DVD Movie
>>>>> Factory 3.
>>>> I have used the last 2, as well as NEODVD and NeroVision Express 2,
>>>> I found Ulead to be best.
>>>>> I
>>>>> have created both data DVD and Video DVD with all programs
>>>>> successfully. Just when I try the ReplayTV files do I have a
>>>>> problem. I've ordered some DVD+RW disks so I can hopefully reformat
>>>>> them
>>>> Sounds like you're using "packet writing". Don't, that is
>>>> unreliable. Write to a DVD-RW (DVD+RW) the same way you would a
>>>> DVD-R (DVD+R). Erase the disk before using it (takes just 2
>>>> minutes).
>>> Not using packet writing.
>> I thought that, because you used the word "format". CDs/DVDs are
>> formatted, but that's a part of burning them. A seperate formatting is
>> done only when you use packet writing. To re-use a -RW or +RW, you
>> just erase, not format, it.
>>>>> and not have to ruin a disk
>>>>> everytime I try something new. Then I'm going to burn each file
>>>>> type separately to see if one type give me problems. I don't know
>>>>> what else to do. Those files should just be data but something's
>>>>> weird.
>>>> File type should make no difference (these are all still files).
>>>> Perhaps they are in use. Try stopping DVArchive before burning the
>>> Not running anything except the burn program.
>> Good. Strange that you'd get an error with some files but not others.
>> They're just data. Are you sure those files are not currently in use?
>> Also, CD/DVD-burning may not work correctly across a network. Copy the
>> files to a local computer first. Even if it's not networked, copy the
>> files to a different directory first.
>>>> DVD.
>>>> ***
>>>> I tried that (recording all 4 files for a show, while DVD running)
>>>> to a DVD (I use Nero 6). The recording was without error and the
>>>> .MPG played correctly.
>>>> Maybe you're getting interferance from that packet writing program
>>>> ("ABCD"?) that you shouldn't have anyway. I don't know why the
>>>> problem would happen only with those files, but this does give you
>>>> something to try.
>>> Thanks for your help but it looks as if I am going to have to author
>>> the mpeg 2 files and put them on dvd to watch later instead of
>>> brining them back to ReplayTV. Bummer.
>> One more thing to try, create a video DVD on a rewritable disk.
>> I do that (authoring) all the time. I find the DVD player as easy to
>> operate as a Replay. Note that you need only the MPG file for this,
>> and you can edit it (such as to remove commercials).
>> Also, I was doing that for the 16 months of so it took to figure out
>> that undocumented thing it takes to get DVA to be recognized by the
>> Replay.
>I also take the mpeg 2 files and using "MPEG-VCR", I edit out the comercials
>and then burn them to DVD using "ULEAD MOVIE FACTORY 3". Works fine but I
>just didn't want to go through the process with 150 episodes of Murder She
>Wrote or 72 episodes of Ripley's Believe it or Not.

It helps that you don't have to do them all at once.

> It seemed so much
>simpler to just burn the ReplayTV files to DVD as data and not have to do so
>much work. Looks like I will have to bite the bullet and start authoring.
>BTW, it looks as if the files with the .evt extensions are the one's causing
>the problem.

I still don't see why you'd have a problem with just one filetype. All
files are data files, and not really any different to the DVD-burning
program. Did you try copying then to another directory before burning?

> I burned a +RW disk adding the files in separate passes by
>filetype and it gags when I try to burn the .evt files. Pretty strange huh?

Note that you don't need any files other than the MPG unless you want
to play them back with a Replay.

94 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 13:30:26 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:

>Joe Allison wrote:
>> If you have Nero, use NEROVISION to make the DVD. It works for me.
>> seahawk wrote:
>>> Tony D wrote:
>>>>> DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>>>>> files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks
>>>>> also successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files
>>>>> and burn them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the
>>>>> "low quality" recordings. Lot more work than just backing them up
>>>>> to a DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.
>>>> Replay 5k files are "standard" mpeg 2 files. Std quality and Med
>>>> quality recordings are compliant with DVDs. High quality recordings
>>>> have higher bandwidth peaks than the DVD standard allows, so these
>>>> may cause problems authoring to dvd.
>>>> I just did what you are trying to do with Nero and it worked
>>>> perfectly.
>>> I have Nero but haven't installed it yet. Maybe I'll try that. BTW,
>>> I'm not just burning the mpeg 2 files but also the 3 other files
>>> (with endings .evt .ndx .xml). I'm pretty sure if I just burned the
>>> mpeg 2 files it would work but it wouldn't work back on ReplayTV
>>> later without restoring all four files for each video.
>>> When you did it with Nero, did you burn all associated files from
>>> your Local_Guide folder?
>I might install NERO and give it a try but I've already tried three other
>programs with the same results. I can't imagine what could be causing this
>but it appears as if the files with the .evt extension are the problem
>childs. I can burn the other files types just fine but it gags on the .evt
>Go figure.

Another thing you could try. Rename the files to have another
extension, such as TVE. Rename then back after the burning. That would
help you determine if the extension is really causing the problem.

94 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: (More info?)

seahawk wrote:

> I might install NERO and give it a try but I've already tried three other
> programs with the same results. I can't imagine what could be causing this
> but it appears as if the files with the .evt extension are the problem
> childs. I can burn the other files types just fine but it gags on the .evt
> files.

Nero will burn DVD-Data disks just fine, these (So should about a
thousand other programs such as SPEDY CD) however not all programs can
play REPLAY standard speed quality MPG's (medium and High play better)

POWER DVD, (Even though it's an npg file not a DVD-Video file) can

(POWER DVD is shipped with many dvd players or burners)

The Moonlight Codecs can as well

Now... NERO can not burn Standard Replay files as DVD-VIDEO however (It
will tell you "Unknown format) Unless you install additional codecs, IE:
the Moonlight MPG decoder package This made NERO more or less happy.

(Nero on my XP system is never happier than "More or less" has nothing
to do with the video or the codecs)
Archived from groups: (More info?)

seahawk wrote:

> Joe Allison wrote:
>>If you have Nero, use NEROVISION to make the DVD. It works for me.
>>seahawk wrote:
>>>Tony D wrote:
>>>>>DVD data disk. I'm just trying to do a straight backup of ReplayTV
>>>>>files. I understand video authoring and do make DVD video disks
>>>>>also successfully. I guess I'll have to try and author the files
>>>>>and burn them to DVD video if I don't run into a problem with the
>>>>>"low quality" recordings. Lot more work than just backing them up
>>>>>to a DVD data disk when I have 150 episodes.
>>>>Replay 5k files are "standard" mpeg 2 files. Std quality and Med
>>>>quality recordings are compliant with DVDs. High quality recordings
>>>>have higher bandwidth peaks than the DVD standard allows, so these
>>>>may cause problems authoring to dvd.
>>>>I just did what you are trying to do with Nero and it worked
>>>I have Nero but haven't installed it yet. Maybe I'll try that. BTW,
>>>I'm not just burning the mpeg 2 files but also the 3 other files
>>>(with endings .evt .ndx .xml). I'm pretty sure if I just burned the
>>>mpeg 2 files it would work but it wouldn't work back on ReplayTV
>>>later without restoring all four files for each video.
>>>When you did it with Nero, did you burn all associated files from
>>>your Local_Guide folder?
> I might install NERO and give it a try but I've already tried three other
> programs with the same results. I can't imagine what could be causing this
> but it appears as if the files with the .evt extension are the problem
> childs. I can burn the other files types just fine but it gags on the .evt
> files.
> Go figure.
I burned all 4 file types to DVD data disk with no problem whatsoever.
The evt files are the markers for commercial advance and show/nav. Your
problem has nothing to do with the files.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Mark Lloyd <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in

> On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 13:28:18 -0800, "seahawk" <> wrote:
>> It seemed so much
>>simpler to just burn the ReplayTV files to DVD as data and not have to
>>do so much work. Looks like I will have to bite the bullet and start
>>BTW, it looks as if the files with the .evt extensions are the one's
>>causing the problem.
> I still don't see why you'd have a problem with just one filetype. All
> files are data files, and not really any different to the DVD-burning
> program. Did you try copying then to another directory before burning?

Stupid question..... did you exit from DVA when you are trying to burn
these? I am thinking maybe the JAVA has the EVT files open and might be
causing your error.