I don't quite understand the article. It seems mostly to be falling in line, rather than actually being truthful. I took the image of the S8, 2XL, and V30 and uploaded them to a color picker to get the hex codes. The white area of the S8 shows RGB code: R: 188 G: 223 B: 245, whereas the 2XL shows RGB code: R: 191 G: 226 B: 248, which is really close, vs the V30 which shows RGB code: R: 149 G: 196 B: 231, much further off. Picking the Iphone 8, 2xl, S8 image, and clicking on the red ESPN logo shows me, for the iphone: RGB code: R: 228 G: 1 B: 9, for the 2XL: RGB code: R: 248 G: 20 B: 25, and the S8: RGB code: R: 243 G: 9 B: 42.
I know that there's some amount of eye of the beholder effect going on here, but are you (and many people) having a bit of a Group Think thing going on?