Could be plotten to say, like if the issue to say of revert is in the topic and it gets changed, probably won't get "comprehended" till later if even then.
By then its probably another say female on the issue to correct, but only to find out of the issue before hand and leave.
But think this is where they buddy group idea of things comes in and rather directly or indirectly. So like on ideas of say more or less males to say might find the place for it without even being kinda stereotypical.
Still again of it though, if there was probably more females though males probably wouldn't be able to edit at all. Least females still get to edit.
Idk, this one probably the most "subjective" and perspective of all, but still.
Otherwise, think it wouldn't matter, but still. Some say there is no Females on the internet anyways, but thats kinda out there.
But in light of say recent interest of news for Wikipedia though, does put some insight of highlight.