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Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Just brought a Ipaq 1940. Lovely unit. Been a palm guy for years now(Clie
SL-10 -> Clie TJ-35). Don't quite know how to work a few things so i was
wondering if anyone could lend me a hand or two with the following

1. anyone had problems using active snyc on a win me machine(ie the machine
not "seeing" the device?
2. Is there a quicker way of getting the battery info as a % without doing
Start > Settings > system > power?
3. Wheres the best place on the web to get pocket pc apps/ programs?
4. What programs would you advise getting?
5. Is there anyway to input a phone# in the "owner field" without having it
appear on the today screen, while keeping the owners name?
6.Can you connect more than two devices via bluetooth at the same time?
7. Can i connect the device to the internet via the pc cable?
8.Apart from the Tom tom 3 system, how many other GPS systems function with
the 1940
9.Whats the best screen protector make and how much?
10. Is there anyway to use the device as a card reader?

Thanks for taking the time to read my queries
any answers are welcome.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

"Veritech" <> wrote in message
> Just brought a Ipaq 1940. Lovely unit. Been a palm guy for years now(Clie
> SL-10 -> Clie TJ-35). Don't quite know how to work a few things so i was
> wondering if anyone could lend me a hand or two with the following
> questions.
> 1. anyone had problems using active snyc on a win me machine(ie the
> not "seeing" the device?

I have had this problem occasionally on all platforms. I think I deleted the
profile and recreated it - there is probably a better way though.

> 2. Is there a quicker way of getting the battery info as a % without doing
> Start > Settings > system > power?

Not that I am aware of. I think you need to download something like omega
battery bar or wizbar.

> 3. Wheres the best place on the web to get pocket pc apps/ programs?

Think that is the right address.

> 4. What programs would you advise getting?

Not a program but if you don't have wireless find out about avantgo for
downloading news i.e CNN BBC
Other than that omega battery bar. An encrypter - there is a free one.Ask me
if you want me to lookup the address.
Maybe pocket rar for handling zip and rar files. A dictionary - microsoft
website has encarta free to download which can be accessed with microsoft
reader or another better free program just for dictionaries - again ask if
you want me to lookup an address.Finally acrobat reader for pocket pc -
although reflowing for pocket pc may require the full adobe reader on the
desktop. Other than those I would be suggesting things that I use that you
would probably never want.

> 5. Is there anyway to input a phone# in the "owner field" without having
> appear on the today screen, while keeping the owners name?
> 6.Can you connect more than two devices via bluetooth at the same time?
> 7. Can i connect the device to the internet via the pc cable?

Yes just connect the usb port to the computer and browse! just so longs as
you are connected to the internet on the desktop
> 8.Apart from the Tom tom 3 system, how many other GPS systems function
> the 1940
> 9.Whats the best screen protector make and how much?

Not sure. Try looking on the net or in pda magazines - they may be
considerably cheaper than buying from hp.
> 10. Is there anyway to use the device as a card reader?

Not sure what you mean. You can access all that is on a SD or Compact flash
card etc by looking at the storage card folder in file explorer.

> Thanks for taking the time to read my queries
> any answers are welcome.

Not sure how useful my answers are but I am the first to reply!
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

"Veritech" <> wrote in news:eUf6d.1494

> 1. anyone had problems using active snyc on a win me machine(ie the
> not "seeing" the device?
I have read a lot about people having that problem, but I never
encountered it myself.

> 2. Is there a quicker way of getting the battery info as a % without
> Start > Settings > system > power?
not without 3rd party software. MemBatTime is a good utility for this,
shows your battery status, the various amounts of free/occupied memory
and the time, all very easily readable on your todayscreen. And it is

> 3. Wheres the best place on the web to get pocket pc apps/ programs?
Handango is a good place. But there's a lot of very good freeware around
too. Just google for freeware pocketpc or something like that and you'll
soon swim in the internet-adresses to go to.

> 4. What programs would you advise getting?
Depends: what do you want to do?

> 5. Is there anyway to input a phone# in the "owner field" without
having it
> appear on the today screen, while keeping the owners name?
I'd have to look this one up. Don't know the answer right away.

> 6.Can you connect more than two devices via bluetooth at the same time?
yes. I use a BT-GPS antenna and use my BT-cell phone at the same time to
retrieve traffic info while driving.

> 7. Can i connect the device to the internet via the pc cable?
yes, no problem

> 8.Apart from the Tom tom 3 system, how many other GPS systems function
> the 1940
Many. Alturion, MS streets, Route 66, destinator, just to name a few....

> 9.Whats the best screen protector make and how much?
Don't know, never used any.

> 10. Is there anyway to use the device as a card reader?
Sure, why not? As long as the card fits into the machine you can read it,
it acts just like a diskdrive in your file explorer.

Hope to have offered some help here,

"Tomorrow it may get better, but it will never be allright."
(Cornelis Vreeswijk)

(just remove the spamstatement
and one underscore
to respond personally,
but please keep it friendly,
I'm only human too)
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

"Veritech" <> wrote in message
> Just brought a Ipaq 1940. Lovely unit. Been a palm guy for years now(Clie
> SL-10 -> Clie TJ-35). Don't quite know how to work a few things so i was
> wondering if anyone could lend me a hand or two with the following
> questions.
> 1. anyone had problems using active snyc on a win me machine(ie the
> machine not "seeing" the device?

I have only used WIN XP and have not experienced this problem. IMHO WinME
is EVIL I wouldn't use it if it were the last OS available.

> 2. Is there a quicker way of getting the battery info as a % without doing
> Start > Settings > system > power?

I use PocketPanel and really like it
and it costs $6.95 from Handange. I didn't do a lot of searching for a
freebie before I made the purchase ... but I ran across something called
Magic Button which also has a battery meter and task manager AND it is free .

> 3. Wheres the best place on the web to get pocket pc apps/ programs?

> 4. What programs would you advise getting?

In addition to something for the battery meter, I enjoy a few games some
free and some not so free. If you want a free bible go to
.. I also like the TodayPlayer to play my MP3's
.. You can download the Agile Messenger for chatting (Yahoo, MSN Messenger,
AOL, and others) . Quesnetsoft NewsReader for
newsgroups can be downloaded from PocketGear (see link above).

> 5. Is there anyway to input a phone# in the "owner field" without having
> it appear on the today screen, while keeping the owners name?

I don't know about this one ... why not omit the phone number?

> 6.Can you connect more than two devices via bluetooth at the same time?

> 7. Can i connect the device to the internet via the pc cable?


> 8.Apart from the Tom tom 3 system, how many other GPS systems function
> with the 1940
Don't know.

> 9.Whats the best screen protector make and how much?

I use the BoxWave product and like it.

> 10. Is there anyway to use the device as a card reader?

Don't know.

> Thanks for taking the time to read my queries
> any answers are welcome.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

You seem to have most questions answer. So I'll try the hard one.
For owner info you have basically two options, to show all that you enter,
or to show nothing. Most software programs will read and lock to your owner
name. So only enter one version of your name. Either your complete name, or
just your first and last name names.

David Hettel
Microsoft MVP Mobile Devices

This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
You assume all risks for your use.

Handhelds, mobile:
Bluetooth guides:

"Veritech" <> wrote in message
> Just brought a Ipaq 1940. Lovely unit. Been a palm guy for years now(Clie
> SL-10 -> Clie TJ-35). Don't quite know how to work a few things so i was
> wondering if anyone could lend me a hand or two with the following
> questions.
> 1. anyone had problems using active snyc on a win me machine(ie the
> machine not "seeing" the device?
> 2. Is there a quicker way of getting the battery info as a % without doing
> Start > Settings > system > power?
> 3. Wheres the best place on the web to get pocket pc apps/ programs?
> 4. What programs would you advise getting?
> 5. Is there anyway to input a phone# in the "owner field" without having
> it appear on the today screen, while keeping the owners name?
> 6.Can you connect more than two devices via bluetooth at the same time?
> 7. Can i connect the device to the internet via the pc cable?
> 8.Apart from the Tom tom 3 system, how many other GPS systems function
> with the 1940
> 9.Whats the best screen protector make and how much?
> 10. Is there anyway to use the device as a card reader?
> Thanks for taking the time to read my queries
> any answers are welcome.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

And to disable showing owner info, Settings\Today and uncheck Owner Info

Bruce Eitman (eMVP)
Senior Engineer
beitman AT applieddata DOT net

Applied Data Systems
An ISO 9001:2000 Registered Company
Microsoft WEP Gold-level Member

Do have an opinion on the effectiveness of Microsoft Windows Mobile and
Embedded newsgroups? Let us know!
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

the work around would be to leave the ph # field blank, but put your phone
number in the note field instead. (phone field shows on today screen, but
not field doesn't.)

"David Hettel MS MVP - Mobile Devices" <> wrote in message
You seem to have most questions answer. So I'll try the hard one.
For owner info you have basically two options, to show all that you enter,
or to show nothing. Most software programs will read and lock to your owner
name. So only enter one version of your name. Either your complete name, or
just your first and last name names.

David Hettel
Microsoft MVP Mobile Devices

This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
You assume all risks for your use.

Handhelds, mobile:
Bluetooth guides:

"Veritech" <> wrote in message
> Just brought a Ipaq 1940. Lovely unit. Been a palm guy for years now(Clie
> SL-10 -> Clie TJ-35). Don't quite know how to work a few things so i was
> wondering if anyone could lend me a hand or two with the following
> questions.
> 1. anyone had problems using active snyc on a win me machine(ie the
> machine not "seeing" the device?
> 2. Is there a quicker way of getting the battery info as a % without doing
> Start > Settings > system > power?
> 3. Wheres the best place on the web to get pocket pc apps/ programs?
> 4. What programs would you advise getting?
> 5. Is there anyway to input a phone# in the "owner field" without having
> it appear on the today screen, while keeping the owners name?
> 6.Can you connect more than two devices via bluetooth at the same time?
> 7. Can i connect the device to the internet via the pc cable?
> 8.Apart from the Tom tom 3 system, how many other GPS systems function
> with the 1940
> 9.Whats the best screen protector make and how much?
> 10. Is there anyway to use the device as a card reader?
> Thanks for taking the time to read my queries
> any answers are welcome.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Thanks for all of the great help guys.

the battery bar program works great, thanks

Still greating used to the interface but i think i'll manage just fine

thanks again

"Veritech" <> wrote in message
> Just brought a Ipaq 1940. Lovely unit. Been a palm guy for years now(Clie
> SL-10 -> Clie TJ-35). Don't quite know how to work a few things so i was
> wondering if anyone could lend me a hand or two with the following
> questions.
> 1. anyone had problems using active snyc on a win me machine(ie the
> machine not "seeing" the device?
> 2. Is there a quicker way of getting the battery info as a % without doing
> Start > Settings > system > power?
> 3. Wheres the best place on the web to get pocket pc apps/ programs?
> 4. What programs would you advise getting?
> 5. Is there anyway to input a phone# in the "owner field" without having
> it appear on the today screen, while keeping the owners name?
> 6.Can you connect more than two devices via bluetooth at the same time?
> 7. Can i connect the device to the internet via the pc cable?
> 8.Apart from the Tom tom 3 system, how many other GPS systems function
> with the 1940
> 9.Whats the best screen protector make and how much?
> 10. Is there anyway to use the device as a card reader?
> Thanks for taking the time to read my queries
> any answers are welcome.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

"Veritech" <> wrote in news:aQN6d.57$k8.37

> the battery bar program works great, thanks

which one did you choose in the end? membattime, PocketPanel, Magic Button,
omega battery bar or wizbar?

"Tomorrow it may get better, but it will never be allright."
(Cornelis Vreeswijk)

(just remove the spamstatement
and one underscore
to respond personally,
but please keep it friendly,
I'm only human too)