It's GOTTA be faster than this...



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So I have finally figured out how to extract video (with TivoToGo) and make
actual DVDs with what I've extracted. I have an AMD Athlon XP 2500+ with
512 MB of RAM running XP Pro. And the rendering is taking FOREVER. I'm gonna
post the steps I'm taking to do this, in the hopes that someone might be
able direct me to a faster way to do it:

So, for a DVD with six programs totalling just over three hours of material:

1) Extract with TivoDesktop and TivoToGo.
2) Convert to .MPG with GraphEdit (using Moonlight-Elecard MPEG2 demuxer and
Moonlight M71 Muxer, as advised on Evilnet directions)
3) Make DVD with Nero 6. Edit commercials out of programs in Nero.
4) Burn DVD in Nero. (THIS is where it gets slow. Rendering took three and a
half hours.)

The results are good, but is there a better way to get to Step 3 that won't
take so much time in Step 4? Or is this just the "price of doing business"
in the DVD mastering world?

Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth
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In article <>, clemon79 says...
> So I have finally figured out how to extract video (with TivoToGo) and make
> actual DVDs with what I've extracted. I have an AMD Athlon XP 2500+ with
> 512 MB of RAM running XP Pro. And the rendering is taking FOREVER. I'm gonna
> post the steps I'm taking to do this, in the hopes that someone might be
> able direct me to a faster way to do it:
> So, for a DVD with six programs totalling just over three hours of material:
> 1) Extract with TivoDesktop and TivoToGo.
> 2) Convert to .MPG with GraphEdit (using Moonlight-Elecard MPEG2 demuxer and
> Moonlight M71 Muxer, as advised on Evilnet directions)
> 3) Make DVD with Nero 6. Edit commercials out of programs in Nero.
> 4) Burn DVD in Nero. (THIS is where it gets slow. Rendering took three and a
> half hours.)
> The results are good, but is there a better way to get to Step 3 that won't
> take so much time in Step 4? Or is this just the "price of doing business"
> in the DVD mastering world?
> Thanks!

With Dvd Lab you can make dvds with svcd format mpegs. It might not work
in older settop players, but they play in everything I have. The tivo
files are already in svcd resolution so the encoding time would be
greatly reduced.

But yea, 3 hours is pretty good for a whole disc.
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"theyak" <yak@dev.null> wrote in message
> With Dvd Lab you can make dvds with svcd format mpegs. It might not work
> in older settop players, but they play in everything I have.

Yeah, what I was asking was more if there is way to speed up the process of
making just "normal" DVDs, as opposed to using other video formats.

> But yea, 3 hours is pretty good for a whole disc.

This sounds more like the answer I'm looking for. Thanks!

Anyone else have any input?
Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth
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"Chris Lemon" <> wrote in message
> So I have finally figured out how to extract video (with TivoToGo) and
> make actual DVDs with what I've extracted. I have an AMD Athlon XP 2500+
> with 512 MB of RAM running XP Pro. And the rendering is taking FOREVER.
> I'm gonna post the steps I'm taking to do this, in the hopes that someone
> might be able direct me to a faster way to do it:
> So, for a DVD with six programs totalling just over three hours of
> material:
> 1) Extract with TivoDesktop and TivoToGo.
> 2) Convert to .MPG with GraphEdit (using Moonlight-Elecard MPEG2 demuxer
> and Moonlight M71 Muxer, as advised on Evilnet directions)
> 3) Make DVD with Nero 6. Edit commercials out of programs in Nero.
> 4) Burn DVD in Nero. (THIS is where it gets slow. Rendering took three and
> a half hours.)
> The results are good, but is there a better way to get to Step 3 that
> won't take so much time in Step 4? Or is this just the "price of doing
> business" in the DVD mastering world?

Hack your Tivo and extract the Ty files directly. The video format will
already be correct so no "converting" is necessary. There is still some
transcoding to be done, but none of this "3 hours to convert" BS.

You also get better quality.
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"uray" <> wrote in message
> Hack your Tivo and extract the Ty files directly. The video format will
> already be correct so no "converting" is necessary. There is still some
> transcoding to be done, but none of this "3 hours to convert" BS.

I have no desire to hack my Tivo. I have tried many a time to wade through
all of the muck to figure out how to do it, and frankly I have better things
to do with my time.

So is the answer to my original question then "no"?
Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth
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In article <5NH2e.488169$>, says...
> "Chris Lemon" <> wrote in message
> > So I have finally figured out how to extract video (with TivoToGo) and
> > make actual DVDs with what I've extracted. I have an AMD Athlon XP 2500+
> > with 512 MB of RAM running XP Pro. And the rendering is taking FOREVER.
> > I'm gonna post the steps I'm taking to do this, in the hopes that someone
> > might be able direct me to a faster way to do it:
> >
> > So, for a DVD with six programs totalling just over three hours of
> > material:
> >
> > 1) Extract with TivoDesktop and TivoToGo.
> > 2) Convert to .MPG with GraphEdit (using Moonlight-Elecard MPEG2 demuxer
> > and Moonlight M71 Muxer, as advised on Evilnet directions)
> > 3) Make DVD with Nero 6. Edit commercials out of programs in Nero.
> > 4) Burn DVD in Nero. (THIS is where it gets slow. Rendering took three and
> > a half hours.)
> >
> > The results are good, but is there a better way to get to Step 3 that
> > won't take so much time in Step 4? Or is this just the "price of doing
> > business" in the DVD mastering world?
> Hack your Tivo and extract the Ty files directly. The video format will
> already be correct so no "converting" is necessary. There is still some
> transcoding to be done, but none of this "3 hours to convert" BS.
> You also get better quality.
Do you still have to backlevel the software on a S2 to do that?
Dallas TX USA
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"Jud Hardcastle" <> wrote in message
> In article <5NH2e.488169$>,
> says...
>> "Chris Lemon" <> wrote in message
>> > So I have finally figured out how to extract video (with TivoToGo) and
>> > make actual DVDs with what I've extracted. I have an AMD Athlon XP
>> > 2500+
>> > with 512 MB of RAM running XP Pro. And the rendering is taking FOREVER.
>> > I'm gonna post the steps I'm taking to do this, in the hopes that
>> > someone
>> > might be able direct me to a faster way to do it:
>> >
>> > So, for a DVD with six programs totalling just over three hours of
>> > material:
>> >
>> > 1) Extract with TivoDesktop and TivoToGo.
>> > 2) Convert to .MPG with GraphEdit (using Moonlight-Elecard MPEG2
>> > demuxer
>> > and Moonlight M71 Muxer, as advised on Evilnet directions)
>> > 3) Make DVD with Nero 6. Edit commercials out of programs in Nero.
>> > 4) Burn DVD in Nero. (THIS is where it gets slow. Rendering took three
>> > and
>> > a half hours.)
>> >
>> > The results are good, but is there a better way to get to Step 3 that
>> > won't take so much time in Step 4? Or is this just the "price of doing
>> > business" in the DVD mastering world?
>> Hack your Tivo and extract the Ty files directly. The video format will
>> already be correct so no "converting" is necessary. There is still some
>> transcoding to be done, but none of this "3 hours to convert" BS.
>> You also get better quality.
> Do you still have to backlevel the software on a S2 to do that?

No, although hacks for the 6.2 version are just coming out. I believe most
of the hacks do work by now.
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wkearney99 wrote:
> > I have no desire to hack my Tivo. I have tried many a time to wade
> > all of the muck to figure out how to do it, and frankly I have
> things
> > to do with my time.
> TANSTAAAFL. The hacks are trivial enough to perform. They do take
> time and effort but they're not all that complicated.

This morning I extracted the first 4 episodes of Deadwood to my PC,
plus the making of Season 2. I trimmed the head and tails (I have
automatic padding on everything because of endpadplus), turned them
into .vobs, grabbed a still frame for a background with WinDVD,
authored the disc with tytools, and burned it with Nero. The whole
process, including the burn, took less than an hour, and I have 4.5
hours of material on the disc ready to go.

My download speed was about 2meg per second. I installed USB 2.0
drivers. I'm running 4.01b on an HDVR2. I hacked it with
killhdinitrd, and the whole hacking process (once I finished the
reading, which isn't trivial) took about 2 hours.

I would recommend going the hacking route.
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> I have no desire to hack my Tivo. I have tried many a time to wade through
> all of the muck to figure out how to do it, and frankly I have better things
> to do with my time.
> So is the answer to my original question then "no"?

Transcoding video content is processor intensive. There will be some
variations in duration due to your processor speed/type, amt of RAM,
etc., it's not going to be a snappy process anytime soon, at least not
for a PC. Dedicated equipment doing *one* type of conversion might be
able to be quicker, but it wouldn't be very flexible.

Randy S.
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> I have no desire to hack my Tivo. I have tried many a time to wade through
> all of the muck to figure out how to do it, and frankly I have better
> to do with my time.

TANSTAAAFL. The hacks are trivial enough to perform. They do take some
time and effort but they're not all that complicated.
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Chris Lemon wrote:
> Fine. Then tell me EXACTLY what I should read. This is where we run
into a
> wall, because the people who know how to do it are too l33t to help
> someone who doesn't, they just tell you to wade through 40-kajillion
> threads, which I'm not gonna do when it's perfectly reasonable to
request a
> set of steps, especially when I have people goose-stepping back and
> telling me how "easy" it is.

Perhaps you could go ahead and wade through the threads taking notes
along the way. Then you could try a few things out to finalize the
list and post it for all those who need a list.

You would be a hero to many.
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Chris Lemon wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>>Then why did you DEMAND to know EXACTLY how to do it, and call the
>>crowd who already figured it out "l33t"?


> And instead y'all decided to
> preen about your hacked Tivos instead, which wasn't EVEN what I was asking.
> It's roughly akin to asking what simple things you can do to improve your
> gas milage, and being told to do custom machining to your engine.

Well, don't go lumping this entire group into "y'all". There is a
schism on the subject within this group as well, notably Jack Zwick
(strenously ;-) ) on your side and several (who you've become acquainted
with all ready ;-) ) with on the other.

Many of us are in the gray area in-between. I agree with some of your
assertions, but not all. A lot of hacker-types (as in "white-hat", not
the media demonized kind) who enjoy messing with this stuff do see the
hack as "easy" but I think they're definition is a bit different and
have a different perspective. There's easy in the mental area like you
are thinking (step 1. insert tab a into tab b. Step 2 . etc.). Then
there's easy in the physical and dollar sense, i.e. all you need is a
screwdriver and some free software. If you have a good background in
the area and enjoy doing the work, time is cheap. But if you don't fit
those two conditions, the time and effort involved can make a task like
this rather daunting and certainly far from easy.

I think that's where the disconnect lies. Whenever mentioning these
options I always try to temper the advice, as in "If you are technically
inclined and enjoy tinkering you should consider . . . " if you get my
point. I think some posters underemphasize this point. The point that
I think you are making is that for someone who doesn't look at it as
pleasant, telling someone to hack their tivo just to speed up the
transfer process (now that it is available without hacking) is probably
not good advice. Certainly it should be mentioned as an alternative,
but it should be accompanied with some realistic expectations.

The other thing is that a guide *could* probably be put together but
there are a couple obstacles. First, if it became *too* easy it might
become so widespread that Tivo might be forced to put a stop to it
(particularly if the broadcasters caught wind of it, note how Replay tv
had to cut features due to pressure). Second (and I offer this from
experience) developers usually *hate* documenting because it's *not* fun.

>>Also, if you are an adult, using the term "l33t" makes you seem like an
> It saddens me that people can't pick up on a simple literary conceit of
> referring to someone in the same language they use to refer to themselves,
> to demonstrate how silly the reference (and via that, the person)is.

I have to completely agree with you here, I don't think you deserve this
criticism. Chris is trying to point out that (at least in his
perception) the posts in this area share characteristics with the
community that uses "l33t" speak. Chris is hardly the first person to
use a groups own vocabulary to describe the group.

Randy S.
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Randy S. wrote:
> Chris Lemon wrote:
> > <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>Then why did you DEMAND to know EXACTLY how to do it, and call the
> >>crowd who already figured it out "l33t"?
> <snip>
> > And instead y'all decided to
> > preen about your hacked Tivos instead, which wasn't EVEN what I was
> > It's roughly akin to asking what simple things you can do to
improve your
> > gas milage, and being told to do custom machining to your engine.
> Well, don't go lumping this entire group into "y'all". There is a
> schism on the subject within this group as well, notably Jack Zwick
> (strenously ;-) ) on your side and several (who you've become
> with all ready ;-) ) with on the other.

I guess I fall into "the other." Really, my frustration with all of
this comes from my dealings with Zwick. I responded to the OP, happy
to help him out if he wanted help. His response was not, "sure, I'm
interested, what do I do?" or "no, I don't want to hack, but thanks."
Instead I got a demand to tell him how to do it EXACTLY the way he
wants me to. If you search under my name you'll see I've already done
that in this group. The only person unable to follow my pretty
explicit instructions was Jack Z.

> Many of us are in the gray area in-between. I agree with some of
> assertions, but not all. A lot of hacker-types (as in "white-hat",
> the media demonized kind) who enjoy messing with this stuff do see
> hack as "easy" but I think they're definition is a bit different and
> have a different perspective. There's easy in the mental area like
> are thinking (step 1. insert tab a into tab b. Step 2 . etc.). Then

> there's easy in the physical and dollar sense, i.e. all you need is a

> screwdriver and some free software. If you have a good background in

> the area and enjoy doing the work, time is cheap. But if you don't
> those two conditions, the time and effort involved can make a task
> this rather daunting and certainly far from easy.
> I think that's where the disconnect lies. Whenever mentioning these
> options I always try to temper the advice, as in "If you are
> inclined and enjoy tinkering you should consider . . . " if you get
> point. I think some posters underemphasize this point. The point
> I think you are making is that for someone who doesn't look at it as
> pleasant, telling someone to hack their tivo just to speed up the
> transfer process (now that it is available without hacking) is
> not good advice. Certainly it should be mentioned as an alternative,

> but it should be accompanied with some realistic expectations.
> The other thing is that a guide *could* probably be put together but
> there are a couple obstacles. First, if it became *too* easy it
> become so widespread that Tivo might be forced to put a stop to it
> (particularly if the broadcasters caught wind of it, note how Replay
> had to cut features due to pressure). Second (and I offer this from
> experience) developers usually *hate* documenting because it's *not*
> >>Also, if you are an adult, using the term "l33t" makes you seem
like an
> >>idiot.
> >
> >
> > It saddens me that people can't pick up on a simple literary
conceit of
> > referring to someone in the same language they use to refer to
> > to demonstrate how silly the reference (and via that, the
> I have to completely agree with you here, I don't think you deserve
> criticism. Chris is trying to point out that (at least in his
> perception) the posts in this area share characteristics with the
> community that uses "l33t" speak. Chris is hardly the first person
> use a groups own vocabulary to describe the group.

Fair enough. I'm not a hacker - I'm a TV producer. I dislike
hacker-speak as much as I dislike bands that use the letter K instead
of C in their names.

> Randy S.
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<> wrote in message
> Witness this:
> (read the whole thread - the step by step is in there in its entirety)

I must have missed this thread. This is far more reasonable to ask someone
to read through than the usual 400 dealdatabase posts. I will take a look at
this when I have a little time and see if it really does tell me what I need
to know.

My thing is, it seems like it's less work to just stay legal and watch the
process speed up as Tivo brings out USB 2.0 support and what-not. I like
hacking as much as the next guy, but I'd rather be USING my Tivo than going
to the trouble of taking it apart and hoping I don't blow up the filesystem
because I know just enough Linux to be dangerous.

Thanks. :)

Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth
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Chris Lemon wrote:
> My thing is, it seems like it's less work to just stay legal and
watch the
> process speed up as Tivo brings out USB 2.0 support and what-not. I
> hacking as much as the next guy, but I'd rather be USING my Tivo than
> to the trouble of taking it apart and hoping I don't blow up the
> because I know just enough Linux to be dangerous.

As long as you know your trade-offs, that's a logical decision every
person can make themselves.

Going to USB 2.0 isn't going to be a big deal for you - your transfer
will maybe speed up 2X by going to USB 2.0. But, if you spend some
time to learn how to hack your box, that can increase your transfers by
up to 10X. It really does make quite a difference so if you aren't
going to be copying many shows off your TiVo, the education might not
be worth it to you. However, if you think you'll do this often, it
will actually save you time in the end to learn/hack your TiVo to make
the faster transfers and you'll save tons of time in the back-end.

There really isn't a downside to hacking your TiVo - the only thing you
lose is time. How much time depends greatly on the individual doing
the mod. It can be less than a few hours but upwards to a few days.
By the time you get to actually doing something dangerous, you will
have learned enough by reading the articles/threads/instructions to
actually do the right thing, or at least not an irriversibly bad thing.
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> Chris Lemon wrote:
>>My thing is, it seems like it's less work to just stay legal and watch the
>>process speed up as Tivo brings out USB 2.0 support and what-not. I like
>>hacking as much as the next guy, but I'd rather be USING my Tivo than going
>>to the trouble of taking it apart and hoping I don't blow up the filesystem
>>because I know just enough Linux to be dangerous.
> As long as you know your trade-offs, that's a logical decision every
> person can make themselves.

Now ain't that the truth!

I don't think the hack would necessarily ever been developed if TTG had
been there all along (that's a guess, not a certainty), but since before
TTG you *couldn't* transfer shows at all, the hacker community stepped
up. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that. Now it's more
for convenience than anything else, which probably wouldn't have been
enough of a motivation. Though the other modifications do add some
additional impetus.

> Going to USB 2.0 isn't going to be a big deal for you - your transfer
> will maybe speed up 2X by going to USB 2.0. But, if you spend some
> time to learn how to hack your box, that can increase your transfers by
> up to 10X. It really does make quite a difference so if you aren't
> going to be copying many shows off your TiVo, the education might not
> be worth it to you. However, if you think you'll do this often, it
> will actually save you time in the end to learn/hack your TiVo to make
> the faster transfers and you'll save tons of time in the back-end.
> There really isn't a downside to hacking your TiVo - the only thing you
> lose is time. How much time depends greatly on the individual doing
> the mod. It can be less than a few hours but upwards to a few days.
> By the time you get to actually doing something dangerous, you will
> have learned enough by reading the articles/threads/instructions to
> actually do the right thing, or at least not an irriversibly bad thing.

Well, I don't know, but as I get older I'm starting to realize I don't
have the *time* to learn everything I want to, and I've had to start
prioritizing. There are definitely some things I've had to pass up
because I couldn't manage to fit them in. In that respect, hacking my
Tivo becomes a lower priority with TTG available. Before that I was
gearing up to do it, now I find I just don't have the motivation. Of
course I don't transfer many shows, someone who did would probably end
up with a different result.

OTOH, I *did* have the motivation to figure out how to burn DVD's
without having to purchase Sonic MyDVD (thanks to help from archived
threads here!).

Randy S.
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<> wrote in message
> This is also worth a look:

And herein lies yet another problem.

I have a SA Series 2. There is stuff out there for the DirectTivos. There is
TONS out there for the (eminently more hackable) Series 1's.

So I ask "does this apply to an SA Series 2 as well", and the answer is
"well, yes, kinda, mostly." Which does me NO good.

The above poster, who "just Wikied it"? The article on "Tivo hacking" in
Wikipedia has ZIPPO on the Series 2 SA.

It's interesting reading, and I appreciate the link, but I'm really no
closer to knowing what I need to do than I was a month ago.
Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth
Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Chris Lemon" <> wrote in message
> <> wrote in message
> > This is also worth a look:
> >
> >
> And herein lies yet another problem.
> I have a SA Series 2. There is stuff out there for the DirectTivos. There
> TONS out there for the (eminently more hackable) Series 1's.
> So I ask "does this apply to an SA Series 2 as well", and the answer is
> "well, yes, kinda, mostly." Which does me NO good.
> The above poster, who "just Wikied it"? The article on "Tivo hacking" in
> Wikipedia has ZIPPO on the Series 2 SA.
> It's interesting reading, and I appreciate the link, but I'm really no
> closer to knowing what I need to do than I was a month ago.

Your original post wasn't clear about which model Tivo you have. Try here:

This is a great website for hacking all Tivos, and its contributors include
the people who actually write the hacks. I'd recommend using the website
search function first, but if you ask concise questions, you should be able
to get clear answers.

> --
> Chris Lemon
> EFNet: FredSmyth