"console being "different", not from a lack of titles."
Games make the console. You could have the best console ever made but if it only played games no one wants to play, then it just won't sell. On the opposite end, if a console doesn't have the best hardware it can sell like no tomorrow if it has lots of awesome games you can't get on other systems.
Nintendo is getting it all wrong again as they have so many times in the past. I think they need to hire me as a public opinion expert. But at least someone has the correct line of thinking with the idea that better games will boost sales.
Honestly, I want them to give up on making consoles and go the way of Sega and just make games.
Oh, and for the record, a major reason that Sega gave up the Dreamcast was how quickly it was hacked and how easily games could be copied. Game makers don't want to put a game on a system that makes it easy to copy.
No more games = system goes down in flames