James Cameron Aids NASA on 3D Camera for Mars

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Dec 9, 2009
Actually, Cameron helped design the Fusion Camera System, which was used for the 3D in Avatar. So yeah, that's his role in the process.


Apr 21, 2010
[citation][nom]teodoreh[/nom]We want some sound from Mars too! I mean, it has some kind of atmosphere, so there must be some kind of sound there too.. So except from the 3D cameras, buy a 0.5$ microphone and implement it...[/citation]
if you like the sound of wind, then that's what you'll get from a mike on Mars. Not too strong, though, the atmosphere is not so dense.
Would love to see a 3-D documentary movie based on these recordings.


Jul 16, 2009
[citation][nom]donaldduck[/nom]I did enjoy the 3D technology in Avatar, it was... "refreshing". Can't say the same for everything else about the movie, though Anyway, I would REALLY like to know how can Mr. Cameron "Aid" NASA's scientists with a 3D camera; is he an engineer? I wouldn't think that being a (good) movie director would be of much use for space travel, planet landing and so on.Maybe he is just financing them ...or maybe it is true what they say about NASA and the moon landing, that everything was staged, and they need a good director for the "First man on Mars" movie![/citation]
Because, even though you have a good idea how a technology works (as I'm sure the NASA engineers do), it's never a bad idea to get additional information from people who also have experience with the technology. It's just good engineering practice to do so, the best information you can get is from the people who have extensively used a device, particularly because they know the device's weaknesses and what can go wrong (a pretty big deal when the nearest repair shop will be 40-250 million miles away). I'm pretty sure he's not actually 'helping to build' in the literal sense, more likely he's acting in an advisory role.


Dec 27, 2009
besides connecting the public more with the cause...

...sometimes seeing something in 3D instead of 2D you see things you hadn't before due to the lack of depth...


Jan 12, 2010
Doesn't NASA have anything more pressing for their limited budget than playing into the current "buzzword" of 3D? When the next fad hits, will they jump on that bandwagon too?

Seriously, this makes me think their budget wasn't slashed enough...


Actuly, Cameron has done many , projects over the years, for nasa, there was a documentry, not so long ago, on some very real ideas, and models he created to aid, some for thought on what would be needed, to do a mars landing, although he does not hold a title of an engineer, he is no doubt self taught, as he like many directors, continue to break visual and bring new concepts into the movies the create..... my thoughts anyway....

My only thing is if they were to consider a 3-D cam, to send with the new rover, i would guess the big question would be the power consuption, perhasps, this where his know how is going to be used....?


Mar 17, 2009
[citation][nom]plasmastorm[/nom]3D is all well and good but personally i prefer HD. with 3D i find myself missing detail half the time because I cannot focus on it as quickly with moving images like at teh cinema.Have seen avatar in both 2d and 3d on the big screen and prefer 2d personally.It's all just hype for the 3d band wagon. give it a year and nobody wll care.[/citation]

Yes! You are right. When the movie is in 2D the director (the camera, the cameraman) decides what you should focus your eyes on. In a 3D movies you have to do it yourself. Your eyesight constantly seeks for the most important details in the scene. It burdens the eys sight, your nerve system and you get tired, headaches and loose focus and details.

When you walk in the real world (it is in full, real 3D world) you don't seek constantly for details. It's fine. But try hunting, spotting the enemy (if you are soldier on reconnaissance mission) - that's tiresome. The same happens when you watch a 3D movie IMO.
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