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On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 01:07:20 GMT, "CheezWiz" <cw@here.not.there>
>I am already using static DHCP on the router and hard coded IP addresses on
>the replays and my desktop...
Check your DHCP table for unwanted entries (MAC addresses not
belonging to anything other than a Replay & associated with a dynamic
IP). If you find one, that would indicate a problm.
>The highest transfer my systems will get is 1001 -1010 kBps so I saw no need
>to go higher.
That's what I actually get. I just left the settings at 1200.
>The latency you are talking about only happens when DVArchive is
Yes. It doesn't seem to affect remote access from a Replay.
>I have my transfers set between 12 and 6 AM, so I am guessing that is why I
>have not seen such a problem.
Maybe I should do something like that, rather than checking every hour
as I do now.
>This problem only showed up when transferring things like Super Volcano or
>other 3+ hour shows..
When I had the problem, it would affect transfers of 1-hour shows too.
It was just more likely to happen with a long transfer.
>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 22:13:30 GMT, "CheezWiz" <cw@here.not.there>
>> wrote:
>>>I have been having trouble downloading larger shows from my 55xx series
>>>They would always fail with a read timeout error.
>>>I bumped up the transfer rate to 1024 in DVArchive and no longer have any
>> 1024 should work fine, 2 of my Replays use 1200 and the third uses
>> 600. The difference is that the third one is one I use a lot and the
>> higher transfer speeds really increase control latency. I don't want
>> to press 'pause' and wait 15 seconds or so before it pauses.
>> That problem (read failing on longer transfers) can also be caused by
>> the "DHCP bug". The bug can cause the Replay's IP address to change at
>> any time, and that confuses DVA. This can be corrected by either of:
>> 1. Set the Replay to use a static IP, and disable any DHCP server on
>> your LAN. This will prevent the Replay from getting a dynamic IP too
>> (it will if it can, try looking at your router's DHCP table).
>> 2. Use a DHCP server that supports staticv DHCP (also called "address
>> reservation"). This always gives a particular IP to a particular MAC
>> address.
>> The second solution works better, but may be harder to set up.
>> --
>> Mark Lloyd
>> has a Replay 5xxx
>> "The idea that there is an invisible being who
>> created and still runs this old universe is so
>> childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
>> believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
>> still fall for that scam."
Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx
"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."