I just can't get my Tbird 900 to unlock. I’m using a A7V and have taken the CPU of 4 times to fuss with the L1 bridges.
First I used defogger paint (2 times) then I cleaned it off with alcohol and tried just using a #2 pencil (twice) but still no luck. I was thinking of lightly sanding the L1 bridges because maybe the surface is dirty and not making good contact. Is this a dangerous idea? Or maybe I could just set the L1 bridges to x 10 on the CPU, Is there a chart on how to set the multipliers on the CPU?
I’m going to give is one more try then I giving up and living with a 900, 100 MGZ is not worth damaging the CPU with the Heatsink.
Please I need ideas!!!!
First I used defogger paint (2 times) then I cleaned it off with alcohol and tried just using a #2 pencil (twice) but still no luck. I was thinking of lightly sanding the L1 bridges because maybe the surface is dirty and not making good contact. Is this a dangerous idea? Or maybe I could just set the L1 bridges to x 10 on the CPU, Is there a chart on how to set the multipliers on the CPU?
I’m going to give is one more try then I giving up and living with a 900, 100 MGZ is not worth damaging the CPU with the Heatsink.
Please I need ideas!!!!