When I try to save any file my keyboard gives random outputs when naming. I have to use sticky notes to create the file name then cut and paste it into the save window. Here are some examples of the results of pressing each key 8 times.It only does this when saving a file. Everywhere else the keyboard functions normally.
q: vt8vt6p5 Q: K^LIPBOT
w: ey3nytoi W: MP!GKAK(
e: pz1qm79a E: (TYPNR)F
r: wwo1je07 R: TXNW&AXK
t: yxtb10cg T: IO@%^CMN
y: whqsbv2u Y: OZXXQKQ)
space: avusxla1 shift/space: (HODXTUW
3: t60bjfq8 shift/3: RI$H&W!V
6: opfa4dun shift/6: SEP$HDCE
9: xx6a2kmi shift/9: F$XQXDVE
-: a0q96gwi shift/_: @SGR@YK*
=: u1s9rn7j shift/+: ZSIL!X*E
q: vt8vt6p5 Q: K^LIPBOT
w: ey3nytoi W: MP!GKAK(
e: pz1qm79a E: (TYPNR)F
r: wwo1je07 R: TXNW&AXK
t: yxtb10cg T: IO@%^CMN
y: whqsbv2u Y: OZXXQKQ)
space: avusxla1 shift/space: (HODXTUW
3: t60bjfq8 shift/3: RI$H&W!V
6: opfa4dun shift/6: SEP$HDCE
9: xx6a2kmi shift/9: F$XQXDVE
-: a0q96gwi shift/_: @SGR@YK*
=: u1s9rn7j shift/+: ZSIL!X*E