

Aug 22, 2007
Hi all

I've just recently handed over some of my hard earned cash for a killernotebook, which as far as i'm concerned seems to be the best custom built laptop you can get. I've tried emailing the guy (Mark I think his name is) quite a few times during the last week and a bit and haven't had any replies from him.

Does anyone have a contact number for him or know where he is what has happened to him ? He has been fantastic and prompt with his replies in the past, usually within 24 hours and now to not hear anything for over a week is making me a little uneasy, especially because his systems are not exactly cheap !

Any info would be greatly appreciated


K|N is a small, pretty much one man operation. He also used to be quite prevalent in these forums until he started getting flamed by people who didn't know what they were talking about.

@yakster: send "theworminator" a PM, he has his number I'm fairly certain. If not, jump over to and make a post there.
Yeah, sure thing, I'll send PM you his number. He's usually prompt with emailing, but again, with any small operation, personal life or events (like sickness, or just too much stuff to do) will get in the way. Check your inbox, yakster, and hopefully you'll be able to contact him soon.
I was contacting him via the sales@ email address without any problems, and yes it was via his website and not just a random forum poster !

cheers worminator ! I suspect he is just having a a break or something personal has come up preventing him form emailing. It's just i've pre purchased a large stack of new games and everytime I go home they heckle me cause I can't play them yet ! I can't wait for some KN performance !!
Cheers Worminator, it's nothing technical. I was originally expecting delivery around now but the last email I got from him was almost two weeks ago informing me there was a delay in the release of something he needed for the system. I've been emailing him since to find out what it was and when he expected to deliver the system ! I'm in the UK and wanted to find out if anyone had heard from him recently before i start making expensive phone calls !
Many thanks for the contact info Worminator ! I've just got off the phone to him and he's been busy creating a recovery DVD for his systems to help people out. He updated me on what I needed to know so all is good in the world now ! I can now go back to staring at my unopened copy of Crysis knowing it's time is almost up !
Well here's the update !
It arrived this afternoon and I promptly installed 3Dmark 06 to see what it can do. Scored 14421 straight out of the box ! Lovely. I still can't understand vista though, anything I do on it still seems to take just that little bit longer than it would on XP. Now i'm off to dominate these games that have been a thorn in my side for the last month ....
Yeah, I haven't pushed my GPU any further yet, though maybe I'll try sometime over the summer when I have time. I've pushed my CPU to about 2.5, but if I remember right, 3DMark06 refused to run, hahah.
2.2 wasn't even all that stable. I ran 3d06 twice at that clock and it failed the second time. Rather disappointing IMO, but what can you expect from a software utility. ATItool claimed that my GPU was artifacting at those clocks, but I ran 06 and COD4 and neither game crashed or had any artifacts. I think 625/775 was about the highest I got without ATiTool reporting artifacts.