L500 Identify smd element


Feb 27, 2017
Hi, can anyone help me on the purpose/function of the voltage regulator on toshiba l500 motherboard? It's designation is g920a4, voltage regulator...nominaly Vin 6-20v; Vout 3,3v, located near psu connector on mbo.
The issue is that laptop would't turn on after a fall (by pressing pwr button- led blinked once), took a look inside, noticed incorrect voltage out (15v instead of the nominal 3,3v) on that G920A4 regulator and tried to lift up the Vout pin to measure. Broke the pin off and had to remove the regulator off of the mbo.Tried to turn on and the laptop works now...even charges the battery...
Thank you helpstar for your quick responds. So, faster battery depletion can be the only downside of regulator missing?
I must have heated some other component's cold solder, if it started to work afterwards....