Laptop 2nd HDD uses 20% cpu [system]

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Apr 30, 2012
Hi there,

Altough its my first post on these forums i have been a reguler guest at Toms hardware! Lot of nerds here, and i like it 😉

Model: Samsung Rc530
Windows 64bit - Home Premium
- Intel i7 2.0ghz
- 6gb ram
- Geforce GT540M
- SSD Corsair 120gb ( primary)

My problem:

I have installed another HDD (hitatchi 750gb) in DVD-slot. This works fine, but my CPU usage is arund 10-20% and it really affects my gaming experience. Altough its only a small amount of the cpu a nerd like me really feels it. It also feels like the PC in general is a lot hotter.

I have seen som threads regarding DMA/PIO but this does not help me very much since i cant really find the settings and/or not visible so i dont think thats the problem.

I have done countless things in BIOS without result and i have even updated the BIOS. I have formatted the harddrive, installed windows all over... no difference in result.

What i know:

I know that it is the 2nd HDD or SATA ports that is the problem, when i pull the HDD out it uses 0% CPU and its completely silent. When i put the DVD-rom in its just as it was without - 0%.
I see in task manager, that SYSTEM uses the CPU when its connected, and i cant find out more than that.
So the 2nd HDD is the issue, and i have googled, searched, read, and i taring my hair out - cause i rly need that 750gb :)

Is there anyone there who has any clue? Some fixes? Same problems?
Sorry for my bad english and that my first post is crying for help, but if this is solved i would be ever greatful to community and i will contribute in the future!

Thanks - LP
Still no updated on the situation. I have tried a secondary HDD to see if its the HDDs problem. Same issues.

I will now try to install Win7 from USB and a fresh install of windows with the HDD plug in. So i dont have to replace the DVD with HDD after installation.

I know its a longshot, but im out of options.
Same problem with me, I tried with 2 laptops and 3 caddies (different vendors).

I noticed that the problem is with caddy, even if connect caddy without HDD, still it took 12% CPU load, if I remove caddy CPU load is normal 0%.
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