Laptop as Router

Kumaran V

Oct 15, 2014
I recently moved into a new flat, I have a better internet connection now but there is no wireless connection, just a cable. Is there any way for me to set up my HP probook laptop so that I can use it to access the internet wireless from it on my android mobile?
Hi, Kumaran. Try mhotspot software.

Manual method:

 Click Start button (in Win 7 and older) / Click Win key + S (Win 8 and newer).
 Type cmd.
 Right click on cmd and select “Run as administrator”.
 If password is asked, then type the main user account's password. If you are the main user, click “yes”.

 Now, a black "Command Prompt" window appears.
 First, you've to check whether your computer supports sharing of internet connection or not.
 Type netsh wlan show drivers and press enter. You'll get many lines of information. There will be a line like "Hosted Network Supported: Yes". If this is No, then your computer doesn't support internet connection...
Hi, Kumaran. Try mhotspot software.

Manual method:

 Click Start button (in Win 7 and older) / Click Win key + S (Win 8 and newer).
 Type cmd.
 Right click on cmd and select “Run as administrator”.
 If password is asked, then type the main user account's password. If you are the main user, click “yes”.

 Now, a black "Command Prompt" window appears.
 First, you've to check whether your computer supports sharing of internet connection or not.
 Type netsh wlan show drivers and press enter. You'll get many lines of information. There will be a line like "Hosted Network Supported: Yes". If this is No, then your computer doesn't support internet connection sharing.

 Now you should create a Wi-Fi profile for sharing.
 Type netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=internet share key=12345678 and press enter. The profile is created!
NOTE: ssid is the ‘connection name’ that will appear in your mobile/tablet (the ssid name can be maximum of 32 Characters) and key is the ‘password’ for this connection (the key should be 8 to 63 characters long). You can give any name and password for 'ssid' and 'key' respectively.

 To ACTIVATE/START the connection sharing, first turn on Wi-Fi in your computer.
 Now, type netsh wlan start hostednetwork in command prompt window and press enter. Wi-Fi will be activated immediately.

 Now turn on Wi-Fi in the mobile/tablet and search for networks/connections. The connection named "internet share" will appear. Choose that connection and enter the password "12345678". That's all, internet shared.

 To DE-ACTIVATE/STOP the connection sharing, type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork and press enter. Wi-Fi will be de-activated immediately.

CAUTION! If you turn off the Wi-Fi button in your computer without completing step 6 above, the next time you turn on your computer Wi-Fi, the internet will be activated for sharing and anyone near your area can access your internet! So, complete step 6 and turn off Wi-Fi in your computer.