Hi, Kumaran. Try mhotspot software.
Manual method:
Click Start button (in Win 7 and older) / Click Win key + S (Win 8 and newer).
Type cmd.
Right click on cmd and select “Run as administrator”.
If password is asked, then type the main user account's password. If you are the main user, click “yes”.
Now, a black "Command Prompt" window appears.
First, you've to check whether your computer supports sharing of internet connection or not.
netsh wlan show drivers and press enter. You'll get many lines of information. There will be a line like
"Hosted Network Supported: Yes". If this is No, then your computer doesn't support internet connection sharing.
Now you should create a Wi-Fi profile for sharing.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=internet share key=12345678 and press enter. The profile is created!
NOTE: ssid is the ‘connection name’ that will appear in your mobile/tablet (the
ssid name can be maximum of 32 Characters) and
key is the ‘password’ for this connection (the key should be 8 to 63 characters long).
You can give any name and password for 'ssid' and 'key' respectively.
To ACTIVATE/START the connection sharing, first turn on Wi-Fi in your computer.
Now, type
netsh wlan start hostednetwork in command prompt window and press enter. Wi-Fi will be activated immediately.
Now turn on Wi-Fi in the mobile/tablet and search for networks/connections. The connection named "internet share" will appear. Choose that connection and enter the password "12345678". That's all, internet shared.
To DE-ACTIVATE/STOP the connection sharing, type
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork and press enter. Wi-Fi will be de-activated immediately.
CAUTION! If you turn off the Wi-Fi button in your computer without completing step 6 above, the next time you turn on your computer Wi-Fi, the internet will be activated for sharing and anyone near your area can access your internet! So, complete step 6 and
turn off Wi-Fi in your computer.