Laptop battery issue


Jul 5, 2017
Hi, i think i have a problem with my laptop battery. When the battery gets low (20%) it takes more or less 5 minutes before it starts charging (says plugged in but not charging) but it completely charges the battery then without problems. The laptop is kinda old and the battery only lasts about 30 minutes with full screen brightness and takes about an hour and half before fully charging. When i plug in the charger with more battery (lets says 60% or so) it also says plugged in but not charging but it starts charging after 2-5 seconds. Hope someone can help me, the laptop is an HP Compaq 6910p and i only really started using it alot sincr 1 year and everything is working fine.
Hi thanks altot for the quick reply! I forgot to mention that the laptop works fine plugged in without a battery so i assume the charger is fine. Do you think i could have a damaged motherboard or does it look more like a bad battery? I am completely broke right now so while i could use my laptop like a desktop i cant afford any repair to the motherboard.
As was pointed out, it's most most likely the battery. That seems to be an older model of laptop, and lithium batteries degrade over time. Searching for "Compaq 6910p battery" on sites like ebay or amazon turns up a lot of relatively inexpensive replacement batteries that would likely be compatible. Just make sure the listed capacity (mAh) is similar or better than the original battery and that it says it's compatible with the 6910p. These will generally be manufactured by other companies and are not official parts, and quality can vary, but I've had pretty good luck with third-party replacement batteries for devices.

Alright thanks, i will for now use it like a desktop and remove the bad battery, i am just glad that it doesnt seem to be a faulty or damaged charging circuit in the motherboard since it is likely expensive and i am not sure if i even could use it like a desktop if that was the case. You think i could use it like a desktop for some weeks or months before buying a battery?

Yes you can still use it while is connected to the charger.