Thanks, photonboy. Very HELPFUL and INSIGHTFUL. I'll try using VSYNC to cap at 60FPS and adjust the quality to maintain it. My laptop isn't crashing, I just want to keep temps down to promote longevity. I hope to have this laptop for at least a few years. As for cooling solutions, even if a cooling pad just cools the laptop case, it would still cool the internals to a degree through conduction, right?
As for the other guy...
(/begin rant)
I know desktops make better gaming rigs for less $, but it would be difficult to toss a desktop into my backpack and walk around campus with it. I didn't buy the laptop JUST for gaming. If I do use a cooling pad for my laptop while gaming at home, it won't make the laptop any less portable, will it? After all, I'm pretty sure (with a few seconds of incredible effort) the cooling pad can somehow be detached from the laptop. I'll admit, I'm not entirely sure of this because I haven't researched it in depth yet. I'm still on the steep side of the learning curve when it comes to computers. Everytime I visit, I learn something new. You, ram1009, have taught me that laptop + cooling pad = desktop. One day, when I know nearly everything there is to possibly know about computers (and the universe in general as you clearly do), I'll be closer to the flat side of that curve.
I know there are people out there who loathe laptops, people who have to focus every ounce of their strength just to avoid upchucking at the mere sight of them, but I wish they wouldn't take their disdain for them out on we poor souls who own them. Remember: WE'RE the victims.
(/end rant)