Laptop for gaming?



Hello. I'm currently looking at this Laptop for gaming since my MacBook Pro probably won't be able to run GuildWars2..

The specs are as follows:

15,6" LED - 1366 x 768 opløsning
2,2 GHz Intel Core i7-2670QM processor Quadcore
6 GB DDR3 RAM 1333 MHz
750 GB SATA-300 harddisk 5400 RPM
nVidia GeForce GT 630M Graphics 2 GB Dedicated memory

Any thoughts on this? I'm expected to use this Laptop for approx. 2 years. All i need is to run games like Diablo 3 and GuildWars 2 on at least medium. Also looking for advice on screen size and resolution since i don't know much about that.

Edit: Forgot to mention which Laptop it is.


I live in Denmark, so you won't know the page at which I'm going to buy it.
The price is 1.063,66 USD
The danish taxes are at 20% which i believe is higher than other countries', so IMO this is Rather cheap.


Mac Book Pro has Radeon HD 6770 graphics. Try NVidia GTX560, GTX570 or Radeon HD6770, HD6850 laptops. It should be with reasonable design still.

Your choice has no big performance for gaming. I hope you will find good gaming laptop with good design. Seem like you are concerned about that. Screen size is according your preference, FullHD is better for internet and work on pc. Rather look whats currently on stock.


MacBook Pro has Intel HD 3000 graphics. Terribad imo.

I don't care much about the design. All i need is a decent gamer PC that i shouldn't pay much more than 1000 USD for :)

Edit: Oh i never saw your answer about the taxes :).. Yea the 20% is included in this price :b


It is a good price. But I think someone with better understanding of the Scandinavian laptop market will give you better suggestion and recommendation.


I'm not worried about the price. I find it fairly cheap.. I'm just wondering if it can run Guildwars2 and Diablo and stuff :)


Hello. I'm currently looking at this Laptop for gaming since my MacBook Pro probably won't be able to run GuildWars2..

The specs are as follows:

15,6" LED - 1366 x 768 opløsning
2,2 GHz Intel Core i7-2670QM processor Quadcore
6 GB DDR3 RAM 1333 MHz
750 GB SATA-300 harddisk 5400 RPM
nVidia GeForce GT 630M Graphics 2 GB Dedicated memory

Any thoughts on this? I'm expected to use this Laptop for approx. 2 years. All i need is to run games like Diablo 3 and GuildWars 2 on at least medium. Also looking for advice on screen size and resolution since i don't know much about that.

Edit: Forgot to mention which Laptop it is.


Yes it will. It's just that ASUS is usually more expensive than Acer and HP, so you may get a laptop with better performance by buying Acer of HP (since you are on a budget and only need a laptop that last 2 years).


Sep 18, 2009
imo, if ur looking for gaming, search for another laptop...

the laptop has an i7, and a 2gb 630m, both a waste of money... the 2gb will do u little good with the 630m, specially since the native resolution is 1366x768.. and for gaming, an i5 is more than enough...

in my opinion, hp gives the best configuration for price with dv6 having i5 and a 6770m or a 7690mxt (both exactly the same graphics cards with different names from what ive researched)... dont know if you get amd there, since amd is more cost effective and u dont really need a lot of processing power for games (and im not mentioning that amds integrated graphics are much better than those of intel, because when uve got dedicated graphcis, the strength of integrated graphcis is quite pointless)

and why dont u post a few links of websites from where u are planning to buy your laptop, and tell us your budget so we can look there and see if there is a more suitable option for u?


MacBook Pro has Intel HD 3000 graphics. Terribad imo.

I don't care much about the design. All i need is a decent gamer PC that i shouldn't pay much more than 1000 USD for :)

Edit: Oh i never saw your answer about the taxes :).. Yea the 20% is included in this price :b

Intel HD3000 integrated, Radeon HD6770 or HD6570 dedicated read technicals.

Its strange price switch, Mac for home PC. 1500USD is my economical optimum for work/gaming decent design laptop. But its hard to find that.

I dont want be misunderstood, I hate blinking Kripton design.


Hmm.. you may have convinced me not to buy this ASUS, however I'm kinda having a hard time finding a better solution.. Which graphics should i go for in a Laptop? And which resolution?

Im looking for something about 1000 euros. Preferably less if possible.



Uh i see they're using AMD Graphics. I've never been much into these - always preferred the GeForce series. How is AMD? :)


Jan 15, 2007
All kinds of new mobile options, with outstanding graphics, are rolling out over the next few months.

Inform thyself. :lol:

Presumably, prices on current models will take a dive. AMD and Intel are having a mobile smackdown with Trinity/Ivy Bridge.



Mar 21, 2012
Sager laptops are the way to go for gaming. The performance you can get ouy of it are insane. The best part about it is that you choose what to put in the lap top piece for piece including screen and windows network cards. So it saves you a good amount not having it pre installed with crap. Even if you do they don't include all the bloat ware. The even better part is that they cover you adding parts to your laptop and taking it all apart. Pritty much everything is covered by their warranty. The cpu and all other parts are easier to access then most laptops. You can get student discount off their website i think 5 percent or you can build them at xotic pc website which they usually give you better deals. The cooling for the laptop are in the top 2 i think being beat my asus crazy cooling design. eighther way the laptops are sick and well worth the money spent on them. Their are so many choices its insane. heres a link Sagers are known for being the best available laptops for gaming plus having a sleek look with out being so childish and bulky like asus laptops and alienware which are crazy with their goofy lights.



May 16, 2012
Hej du!

Det lader ikke til at de mennesker her har prøvet en ASUS. Jeg har en ASUS med en anelse langsommere processor, end den du snakker om, og jeg skal hilse og sige at den er udemærket! Jeg kører flere tunge spil (bl.a. The Witcher 2, Assassin's Creed, Guild Wars og Diablo III) i høj opløsning og uden problemer. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor de andre ikke bryder sig om ASUS. Udfra min vurdering er det et glimrende valg, med mindre du er virkelig ultimativ gamer, for så vil jeg nu i stedet foreslå en kraftig stationær computer.

Desuden vil jeg også råde dig til IKKE at købe HP. Alle jeg kender, som har haft HP, har oplevet en del problemer og rigtig dårlig service. Jeg tror endda at det har været med i en af de der Kontakt eller Operation-X eller sådan noget...

I sidste ende er det fuldt ud dit valg, jeg kan bare tilkendegive min holdning,.

Håber du finder en løsning :)