I couldn't find any dedicated articles/videos on your HP Omen as a music production unit - probably because it's slated as an all-out gaming rig - but here are 2 resources that may help:
1. Go to YouTube and type 'Molten Music Production'. This guy uses Microsoft's Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book, but he also does fairly extensive tests with Bitwig, Ableton, StageLight and a host of other music applications. This might give you an idea about typical hardware and OS-related issues when using these applications (he has a video on how to tweak Windows 10 so it won't disturb you with annoying notifications or cause stutter because of CPU drops).
2. http

This is a link to an article on laptops for music production, and while your HP Omen isn't on the list it should give you some idea about the hardware typically required. The article pretty much presupposes a built-in 1TB HDD or SSD/HDD combo since an external HDD will hog a USB port that you may need elsewhere.