Laptop for photo editing and gaming


Oct 31, 2013
I have searched a lot and have not found a laptop in my price range with a good screen for photo editing.
I'm on a tight budget of USD 800 (INR 50000).

It would be great if I'd be able to run at least Battlefield 3 but I'd be fine if I were only able to play minecraft with some mods.
For photo editing I'd be using Photoshop and Lightroom.

A laptop I have in mind is the Asus K55VM-SX086V but the colour gamut isn't good at all.

Thanks for the quick reply. :)

I put together this build
How are Sager's screens?
I would really like to have dedicated graphics, any recommendations you could give me?

Wow. Thanks for clearing that up. I never bothered checking benchmarks of Intel HD graphics and I have been quite ignorant. So after a bit of research turns out it should suffice for basic gaming and running the programmes I need to run.

Thanks a lot this is all I need :)

Cool, thanks for the info!

What do you think of MSI laptops for graphics editing, animation, and video editing ?



Thanks so much for the reply. If I'm willing to spend around $1500 which model would you go for ?

Once again, thanks a lot.


Thanks as usual for all your help. A few questions:

1 For apps (I'm not a gamer at all) such as photoshop, after effects, premiere pro, (and maybe even maya) would you generally choose MSI or clevo/sager ?

2 For the price range I'm looking at for the overall system ($1500, but I'm somewhat flexible), which NVIDIA (non-quadro) GPU is the best that I can get ?

Once again, thanks for everything.


As usual, thanks for your help. I am planning on upgrading later on, since components keep dropping in price.

I know I want it to have out of the box:

1 i7 haswell 4th gen
2 minimum 8GB RAM DDR3 1600 with expansion capabilities to AT LEAST 24GB, but preferably 32GB
3 2 internal hard disk drive slots (one for an ssd (for OS, programs and pagefile) the other for a regular 7200rpm)

any suggestions ?

also, what are your preferred places for buying msi and
sager/clevo ?

once again, thanks for everything

be well


Thanks for everything.

Be well