Laptop for School $500-600 Budget


Dec 31, 2012
Last time I asked about a laptop it was super helpful for me. Now my fiancee needs one. Shes going back to school to complete her RN to BSN online.

It's main uses are web browsing, document writing and video viewing. The isntructors will also be using GoToMeeting for weekly meetings online.

I'd like to get her something with 15" screen, 4+ GB RAM, SSD, Backlit Keyboard and relatively portable. 5th gen i5 if possible or newer (I know that's unlikely with budget) but we aren't afraid to buy used or open box.

This is for the USA and I can order anywhere online or pickup in store. We can use educational discounts and I have EPP for Dell and Lenovo etc through work.
Asus F556UA-AS54 Intel Core i5-6200U 15.6" 1080p Laptop (256GB SSD) $529

added a SSD and touchscreen for $560, sometime you can use the coupons code for HP find on techbargains too.

Lenovo Dell. can't find one with that budget

if you don't mind open box, search your local store website. bestbuy, microcenter, frys, etc
Asus F556UA-AS54 Intel Core i5-6200U 15.6" 1080p Laptop (256GB SSD) $529

added a SSD and touchscreen for $560, sometime you can use the coupons code for HP find on techbargains too.

Lenovo Dell. can't find one with that budget

if you don't mind open box, search your local store website. bestbuy, microcenter, frys, etc

neither have SSD. Personally I would get a SSD before a quad core for light workload.

I wonder if I could crack that HP open and add the M.2 myself. Keep the HDD for media etc. Run the OS from the M.2


That funny, that was just another thread on a HP laptop that have option for m.2 but the OP didn't bought one with it. and the m.2 port is missing.

Although you can get a sata 3 ssd drive too.

Do you think this would be comparable? Aside from the HDD? It shows upgradeable RAM so I couyld probably drop an SSD in place worse case scenario. - Edit No backlit keyboard bah

Yeah. look like it. definitely want to drop an ssd in.