Laptop, FPS and 144hz


Sep 12, 2017
Hi! I just bought a new laptop. ( Lenovo - y720-15IKB ) It has i7. 7-th Gen bla bla and also a GTX geforce 1060 graphiccard. I got it for about 1.800 Dollars..

My Question is WHY does my Battlefield 1 Run smooth on Ultra High but my Counter-strike struggles on 40-80 FPS wich is SO BAD! Why is it like this? I bought this one to play games. And when i connected it to my BENQ 24XL 144hz Screen i thought it would be ok, but since ive read that it only uses 60hz with HDMI, IS there anything that i can do to use my 144hz Screen and would my FPS get higher with 144hz is that a problem?

If this isn´t solve able are there any Laptops that have DVI-dual link ports? and can push around 300 FPS in a shit game like CS:GO

best Regards / Mike
Honestly you would be better off getting a new monitor if you want to run 144hz from a laptop. Laptops don't typically have dual link DVI. They use display port to hit high refresh rates which your monitor doesn't have. As for the CS:GO issue I need more info. What is your CPU and GPU usage and temps? Is your laptops power profile set to high performance?
That is the biggest problem, i dont know how to setup all the settings, I have tried the things i found but no differences, could i turn off the usage of the Intel Graphics ?

Because i should be able to play CS:GO without "lags" on this laptop? Its brand new and great GPU and CPU.

I have never bought an laptop before 🙁

Laptops are never great gaming devices, but I have a gaming laptop myself. I don't believe you can turn off your intel graphics on a laptop due to how optimis runs on them. That said i still need my questions answered from my last post if i am going to help you. "What is your CPU and GPU usage and temps? Is your laptops power profile set to high performance?"

Well i changes some settings and got offline with bots and had 170-220 FPS now wich is okey, so it was might that power profile high performance setting that did it, but if i would buy another screen and a Mini-Displayport cable that fits will i be able to get out 144hz, since that is wonderful to play with.

Yes displayport is capable of 144hz...glad everything else is fixed.

I will check out for more Settings to improve the game! Well thank you for your answears.

Yo i have one additional question! If i buy this cable

Startech USB-C till DVI-adapter extern videoadapter its a THUNDERBOLT 3 to Dvi-Dual Link, If i buy it will i be able to get my 144hz ? It makes a huge different in CS:GO :)
Question from mikaelbroberg : "Whats my Options?"

HDMI 2.0 works ... been around for 3 years now.... web sites don't say what it is. As I recall the lappie supported 4k and IIRC, that required HDMI 2

Specs say HDMI 2 for lappie


I can't say for certain but I believe so. I don't have a lot of personal experience with USB-C to thunderbolt but from what I understand of what i just re-read on spec it should work. I knew USB-C did display port but until you posted your cable I had forgotten/didn't know (getting old not sure which it was lol) DVI dual link was also covered in the spec. But with all newer specs nothing is 100% IME. There are always bugs and what not otherwise forums like this wouldn't exist. It is worth a shot to check it out. Better then having to buy a new monitor. If it doesn't then I guess your looking at a new panel or living with 60hz.
Also have you made sure to set the resolution using HDMI through the nvidia control panel and not just the display settings when right clicking the desktop. If you just use display settings I have seen it be an issue for other users only being able to hit 60hz. Your HDMI 2.0 connection should be capable of hitting 1440P at 144hz.

I will buy a HDMI 2.0 cable and try it out, Thanks

This is how it looks like, I have the new cable but it doesnt help what i know.. here is a screenshot.

and with this 1440 resolution my screen gets blackbars. 🙁 WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO FIX? We live in 2017, Why Cant they make it simple, I mean ive been playing 144hz on my Desktop for 2 yrs..