Question Laptop keyboard broken

Jan 2, 2021
I have an Asus GL553VE. My e key broke so i tRiED TO fiX IT. I got glue on the pad. i tried to clean it off. now it types over and over. caps lock turns on by itself, my 9 on my num pad just types e over and over. e just keeps typing. I have to keep backspacing. can this be fixed or do I need a new keyboard?
After being off all night, the keyboard fixed itself. It works fine now. The e key is still broken so I had to map e to another key for now. My bf has ordered me a new e key hes gonna put on for me. The key itself broke off, then I broke off the rubber cap under the key. I tried to glue it back on, but it was off center so I had to hit it at an angle to make it work. Then it came off again and I pulled it all the way off and it ripped. Last night I was trying to remove glue from the pad under the key when it went crazy on me. But its fine today. I will not touch it again. I learned my lesson.