Question Laptop keyboard types extra keys

Nov 17, 2022
Hey there friends we could use your assistance
We were working with laptop (Normande brand), until suddenly the keyboard went crazy. Truth be told the computer has had some quircks since day one (like a wandering mouse etc), but none as the problem described.
Essentially throughout the keyboard (excluding the digits area which seems to be working fine) on the majority of the keys, once we are typing pressing one certain key, in reality more than one key will be appearing as if it was pressed, eventhough it was not. For instamcee, when I press 'w' what I see on the screen /doc will be 'we', vice versa, pressing 'e', will give 'ew', 'x' will appear as 'xd', 'u' will be 'uy', caps lock also gives a 'z', 'i' is 'ji',a dot '.' will be 'n.' which isn't an adjacent key even 😝 (see photo attached we meant to type 'operation' and those were the keys we pressed, instead the jumble of letters you see on the screen attached is what we got). k,l,h,q,z,c,v,b work fine (at the moment), yay.....Extra keys typed make it improbable really to use the laptop's keyboard.🙈
What do you think can be done? Formatting might make the issue disappear, but for some time until it reappears🙊 we checked updated drivers device manager removed keyboard change the repeat rate🤷‍♀️ does it need a hardware change of keyboard? is there a fix via win or command prompt, bios (which never showed any indication on start up screen as to which keys load bios screen, we can enter after win loads) Is there another software trick assuming there lays the issue? BTW plugging an external keyboard works fine
The laptop is still under its first year warranty, import company said they need to check it out thoroughly to avoid remote support but.... kept it for 3.5 weeks (!) refusing to actually talk to us, saying they 'opened the laptop and saw none of the problems.... ' The day we brought it to the lab, it had the issues as photos and video showing typing and screen at the same time featuring the issues 🙈 meaning they did not actually check it to pinpoint the problem.
I'm not the only user so cannot say for certain nothing splasheed the keyboard, thought of that option. Nevertheless the problem shows on different parts of the keyboard, and when taking the keys' caps off there's no residue of anything no dust, liquid nor crumbs.
Does anyone know of this company's laptops keyboard shanannigans?
Thanks for any assistance, otherwise there isn't much to do with the laptop but with a usb keyboard
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Hey there friends we could use your assistance
We were working with laptop (Normande brand), until suddenly the keyboard went crazy. Truth be told the computer has had some quircks since day one (like a wandering mouse etc), but none as the problem described.
Essentially throughout the keyboard (excluding the digits area which seems to be working fine) on the majority of the keys, once we are typing pressing one certain key, in reality more than one key will be appearing as if it was pressed, eventhough it was not. For instamcee, when I press 'w' what I see on the screen /doc will be 'we', vice versa, pressing 'e', will give 'ew', 'x' will appear as 'xd', 'u' will be 'uy', caps lock also gives a 'z', 'i' is 'ji',a dot '.' will be 'n.' which isn't an adjacent key even 😝 (see photo attached we meant to type 'operation' and those were the keys we pressed, instead the jumble of letters you see on the screen attached is what we got). k,l,h,q,z,c,v,b work fine (at the moment), yay.....Extra keys typed make it improbable really to use the laptop's keyboard.🙈
What do you think can be done? Formatting might make the issue disappear, but for some time until it reappears🙊 we checked updated drivers device manager removed keyboard change the repeat rate🤷‍♀️ does it need a hardware change of keyboard? is there a fix via win or command prompt, bios (which never showed any indication on start up screen as to which keys load bios screen, we can enter after win loads) Is there another software trick assuming there lays the issue? BTW plugging an external keyboard works fine
The laptop is still under its first year warranty, import company said they need to check it out thoroughly to avoid remote support but.... kept it for 3.5 weeks (!) refusing to actually talk to us, saying they 'opened the laptop and saw none of the problems.... ' The day we brought it to the lab, it had the issues as photos and video showing typing and screen at the same time featuring the issues 🙈 meaning they did not actually check it to pinpoint the problem.
I'm not the only user so cannot say for certain nothing splasheed the keyboard, thought of that option. Nevertheless the problem shows on different parts of the keyboard, and when taking the keys' caps off there's no residue of anything no dust, liquid nor crumbs.
Does anyone know of this company's laptops keyboard shanannigans?
Thanks for any assistance, otherwise there isn't much to do with the laptop but with a usb keyboard
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