Laptop motherboard


May 23, 2012
I am looking to dissemble and mount a laptop motherboard inside my Samsung tv. using the tv as the only display for the laptop, i will need a good integrated graphics card.
I need the best resolution for a hd video playback.

Possibly some quick photoshop/premiere editing if i cant make it to my office and finalize something.

please give me an idea as to what I should be looking for.

we have no real brand preferences.. I haven't decided if i will get a new laptop and sell out the parts i don't need.. or buy just a laptop motherboard and processor combo from the internet.
Don't you mean a good 'dedicated graphics card'?
The resolution of your system will be the Samsung TV resolution.

There are some big (and I mean really BIG) holes in your idea.
Do you have a guide or plan your working from?
Like, how you're going to control the laptop?


May 23, 2012
Thank You,
I guess it would be dedicated graphics card.

Just to ask...what are my big holes?

Yes I have it planed out.
I have plenty of room in sided the lcd tv. with areas to put mb standoffs.
And room for the cooling system from the laptop.. MORE if needed since it is in a close environment to the cathodes... but this will be on display in our office /waiting room which is kept at 72% at all times for our systems...

Hdmi soldered directly to a side hdmi port that will be desoldered. and removed so no one thinks about plugging somthing into a dead port. of course this covers my video and sound.

Bluetooth for bt mouse and keyboard.
WiFi for network connection/streaming services from our servers.

Currently no plan for Blu-ray player since all of our video content to be displayed is on our hard drives/servers

The side USB slot will be unhooked from the tv (video daughter board/converter to the lcd.) and routed to one of the ports on the laptop.
This is just for convenience really.. If i ever need to easily hookup a external device.

The inverter/power supply for the laptop mb will feed in from the mains power that is supplied to the tv with its own fuse accessed through a panel on the back of the tv.
the laptop power/led will be installed to a touch switch that i have made up using a combination of holding my power button and menu button on the front of the t.v. to send the signal to the laptop.. either reboot or power off/on.

Granted I am in florida where power outages do happen frequently.So i plan on keeping the battery inside the tv so if the power goes down it will be right where it left off when it comes back.

Also there is a status light that glows under my Samsung logo that will show if the laptop is powered on or off.

so all in all.
I am just looking for recommendations as to a type of LAPTOP that will have a good graphics option for me..
the price can be between $1000-$1500 for the complete computer. since i will be parting most of it out anyway we can recoup some of the costs in this MOD.

Thank you for the reply, but can you clarify what these big holes are?