Laptop Not Charging


Oct 23, 2016
I was recently given a Probook 4310S, it was working fine but it was running Windows XP.
So yesterday I installed windows 10.
During the Installation Process the Laptop was working fine, it was charging and the battery was holding charge.

After I finished installing drivers and everything, I plugged it in because it had low battery, 1 hour later I came back to the laptop and the computer hadn't charged and is saying "13%, Plugged in Not Charging".

I have tried other chargers and it is still not charging or charging above 13%.

When I plug it in, sometimes the charging LED will come on for a couple of minutes, then it will eventually turn off, another time when I unplugged it, it starts flashing.

Now it thinks it is happy and is charging again, but it has also done this when i was trouble shooting, it will probably stop charging again at 13%

Does anyone have any ideas?

Edit. When the laptop is off with the power cable unplugged, the computer will not turn on, the charging light flashes 8 times.

I have tested using the HP Support Assistant and it has passed, I have also tested using CPUz, it has stated that my wear level is "10 pc [0x5A]"

The thing is, it was charging and holding charge well yesterday, I find it hard to believe that a laptop battery has gone from being perfectly fine to being stuffed within a 24 hour period.
Yep its unlikely but thats what that cpuz stat means. Try unattaching it for a period if time to let it drain maybe. It is possible it just happened but usially its a gradual process over time.

I have drained the computer, it turned off 2 times before the battery was at '0%'. The battery at '0%' lasted for at least 10 minutes, that said I don't know how long it lasted for since I left it drain when I was doing something else for about an hour.
I have now plugged it in and it says it is at "18%, not charging", that said it said it wasn't charging when it was at 13%. I think it is now calibrating its battery and I think it will be fine, I'll check on it in the morning.