Laptop running poorly


Aug 31, 2016
Ever since I improved my laptop cooling fan by dusting it, its been running poorly. Once it overheats that's when my fan starts to go fast and performance is much better. But it doesn't do that anymore. I've been searching for weeks and found no solution. Also fan controllers don't work with my Asus S400CA. Is there anyway to make my GPU kick in when I am playing games or watching videos? Thanks
It is completely possible that when you were dusting it off some of the dust and debris got behind the fan, or even lodged elsewhere.

I know it happens, because it happened to me. LOL Drove me batty until I gave in and took the fan off and found some stuff lodged in the back. Replaced the thermal paste, dusted out the fan from both sides while off the device, replaced it and all was right in the world again. :)

I suggest you try this as well. If that does not fix the problem, then the fan may well be going. I would try installing a monitoring software like 'Speedfan' or other similar ones and check the fans operation and the temps.
It is completely possible that when you were dusting it off some of the dust and debris got behind the fan, or even lodged elsewhere.

I know it happens, because it happened to me. LOL Drove me batty until I gave in and took the fan off and found some stuff lodged in the back. Replaced the thermal paste, dusted out the fan from both sides while off the device, replaced it and all was right in the world again. :)

I suggest you try this as well. If that does not fix the problem, then the fan may well be going. I would try installing a monitoring software like 'Speedfan' or other similar ones and check the fans operation and the temps.


Aug 31, 2016
Oh and I tried unplugging the fan from the motherboard, all the screws can come off but the power wire for the fan is nearly unremovable even if I add lots of force.
Yeah that part is tricky. You need enough effort to remove things while not breaking anything. Such a pain. Did you check online for an vids on removing that particular laptops fan? Often those will have suggestions on ways around dealing with such problems. Since I have not opened up your particular device, I can't say what would work best in that case.


Aug 31, 2016

I removed it successfully :D but bent the plastic :C