Laptop says it charging but its not


May 7, 2015
When I plug my laptop(7 months old) into the charger the symbol comes up and says that the computer is charging but if I continue to use the computer I can watch as the battery level will drop until it is at 0%. When it reaches 0% I can keep using the computer but if I move the computer wrong it will shut off. Also when I did powercfg/battery report in command prompt the report showed that the computer was alternating between charging and not. It was switching between those states in seconds like it said the power source was AC adapter at 19:10:05 and battery at 19:10:08 then AC adapter at 19:10:12. Anyone have any idea what the issue is, so I have an idea before I try to get the manufacturer to fix it?
I have already had the battery replaced, along with the AC adapter (to fix this issue but that didn't help), also the hard drive and motherboard were replaced for a separate issue.
Sounds like a bad connection from the ac adaptor to the dc jack in the laptop. A cheap fix but definitely not easy on most. On some laptops, the dc jack plugs into the mainboard (easy) on most, it is soldered. (hard) Both are cheap part off of ebay. What is your laptop?
I have a Dell Inspiron 7537, running windows 8.1 I am hesitant to do any internal work because the computer is only 7 months old and I don't want to void the warranty on it (which at the rate this thing is going I am going to need it, hard drive, motherboard, battery, AC adapter in less than 7 months. Whats next?)