Laptop shutting down when running a game.


Jan 30, 2015
My laptop has recently been shutting down completely sometimes when I try to run the game "Doom" and it is always when the Bethesda logo is loading. If the game starts successfully without crashing my computer then I can play it with no further consequence. I checked the event viewer and there is a kernel power 41 error. This has happened before from time to time but it happened so rarely that I ignored it is happening much more often now. When I bought the laptop it happened a lot but I took it to a service center and they said that I had a faulty battery and they replaced and the issue seemed to go away for a time. I'm using a laptop if that is any help. The details of the error are:
- System

- Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}

EventID 41

Version 5

Level 1

Task 63

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000400000000002

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2017-07-02T12:49:35.259178600Z

EventRecordID 2903


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8

Channel System

Computer Rock-PC

- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18

- EventData

BugcheckCode 0
BugcheckParameter1 0x0
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 0
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 0
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 0
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true


Jan 30, 2015

I don't think overheating is the issue as my computer crashes while the game is starting which would not raise the temperature of the computer a lot. It might be that the computer is stressing the CPU or the GPU too much.

i suggest monitoring your temps during idle and load.i stress tested my laptop/pc and it never crash even for will shutdown if the temp cross certain value


Jan 30, 2015

Forgot to mention that if the game starts successfully without crashing my laptop then I can play it as long as I want without any further consequences so I'm pretty sure that temperature is not the issue here since the laptop becomes burning hot while I'm playing the game not when it is just starting which is when the laptop shuts down. It might be related to power options as the issue seems to be less occurring when I switched from Adaptive to Optimal Power in the NVIDIA control panel. Or it could be just luck. I ran a stress test earlier and my computer crashed when the temperature of the GPU was 85 degrees.