Laptop to run modded Skyrim under 600


Jun 3, 2017
I need a new laptop to run modded skyrim under $600.

Would prefer around $400-500 but would go up to 600 if needed.

Skyrim is gonna hopefully have 40+ mods

A good chance I might also use it to capture footage of my xbox one s

Yes I need the portability

I will probably also buy a 1080p monitor

I would like the resolution to be pretty good but doesnt need to be 1080p

Need 8gbs of ram if it has 1 stick of like 4 or 6 I will be okay xause I can buy more

Would like an ssd doesnt need one though and doesnt need a lot of storage

Could the cpu be 2.4 or more ghz

Thats bout it
The best you are going to get is the following Acer laptop with a Core i5-6200u and nVidia 940mx for $551. It should be fine for playing Skyrim... depending on the mods you want to install. The 940mx is considered to be a mainstream GPU.

The next step up would be the a laptop with the more powerful GTX 950m, but they start at $675 like the following Lenovo IdeaPad 700.

Below at $500 or less, you are basically looking at a...
The best you are going to get is the following Acer laptop with a Core i5-6200u and nVidia 940mx for $551. It should be fine for playing Skyrim... depending on the mods you want to install. The 940mx is considered to be a mainstream GPU.

The next step up would be the a laptop with the more powerful GTX 950m, but they start at $675 like the following Lenovo IdeaPad 700.

Below at $500 or less, you are basically looking at a laptop with integrated graphics like the following Dell i3567 for $480 with a Core i5-7200u and Intel HD 620. It will be fine for playing Skyrim (not the Special Edition) at 1366x768 resolution using default settings with decent performance (over 30 FPS). It would be playable at 1600x900 resolution if you spend the time to tweak the graphics settings in the SkyrimPref.ini to lower / disable graphics settings that cannot be done within the game.
Question from ahopper14 : "Laptop to run modded skyrim and edit videos under $500"

I need a laptop to run 40+ modded skyrim (original not se) and be good enough to at least have light video editing tools run smoothly.

I would like nice graphics and resolution 1080p or the one before it

I dont want skyrim load screens to kill me.

And if I could get xbox one s quality (except will definitely not be using 4k) under $500 that would be perfect.

I will be willing to go up to 650 if I must.