I need a new laptop to run modded skyrim under $600.
Would prefer around $400-500 but would go up to 600 if needed.
Skyrim is gonna hopefully have 40+ mods
A good chance I might also use it to capture footage of my xbox one s
Yes I need the portability
I will probably also buy a 1080p monitor
I would like the resolution to be pretty good but doesnt need to be 1080p
Need 8gbs of ram if it has 1 stick of like 4 or 6 I will be okay xause I can buy more
Would like an ssd doesnt need one though and doesnt need a lot of storage
Could the cpu be 2.4 or more ghz
Thats bout it
Would prefer around $400-500 but would go up to 600 if needed.
Skyrim is gonna hopefully have 40+ mods
A good chance I might also use it to capture footage of my xbox one s
Yes I need the portability
I will probably also buy a 1080p monitor
I would like the resolution to be pretty good but doesnt need to be 1080p
Need 8gbs of ram if it has 1 stick of like 4 or 6 I will be okay xause I can buy more
Would like an ssd doesnt need one though and doesnt need a lot of storage
Could the cpu be 2.4 or more ghz
Thats bout it