Laptop Won't Turn On


Feb 26, 2016
Hi everyone,

I have a Lenovo E450 laptop that is probably 8 months old. I put my laptop on sleep mode last night and returned to it this morning to find that the screen will not turn on.

Essentially, when I press the power button the red ThinkPad light turns on, but the screen does not load. When I tried to power it off to see if turning it off manually would help, I needed to hold it down for about 8 seconds before the ThinkPad light flashes on and off twice before going off.

The Ethernet connector on the right side has two indicators that show the status of the network connection -- yellow and green, which I believe show when the computer is connected to a LAN and when data is being transmitted. Both of them are on, though the red ThinkPad light is off.

This is the first time I'm experiencing this issue and I'm just not sure what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do?

Please do try these troubleshooting steps I suggested to others who had the same issue.
- Start with a hard reboot, remove the battery and unplug it's AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then try booting it.
- If it doesn't work reseat the RAM, remove them all for couple of second then put them back in making sure everything is seated properly.
- Again if these doesn't work but you can hear the laptop on but with no display, connect an external monitor and see if it would display anything because if it does that means it's the built in display that is faulty.
- Next to try is if your AC adapter is still okay by trying another AC adapter that has the same voltage and see if it would work.
- If all these will not work it would be a motherboard problem.