LCD Resolution, crisper or less headaches?


May 15, 2008
Hey guys, ive finally settled on getting a Sager NP9262 from XoticPC. I have been configuring it and I can't decide what resolution to set for the monitor. My choices are WSXGA+ (1680x1050 native) and WUXGA (1920x1200 native). Both glossy and 17".

My concern is how tiny the text is going to be if I go higher res. Also, I dont want to start to sacrifice detail in my games, though I am ordering the system with a 9800m GTX (I may go sli).

I think the lower res will allow my gaming fps to be higher over all, but I wont be able to watch in true HD which is kind of a bummer since im getting a blu ray drive in the computer.

Does anyone have a 17" notebook with either res? Let me know what you think. Thanks!
I have a NP5793 with 1920x1200, and my cousin has a 17" HP with 1680x1050. Having seen and used both, I definitely prefer mine. Everything is sharp and clear.

Don't worry about gaming performance. I have an 8800mGTX, and it runs everything (save crysis) maxed out at that res a good 50-60 fps on demanding games.

hey thanks for the input.
I know the higher res screen would be alot more appealing in terms of sharpness.
my main concern has having the laptop play most games at high settings for as long as possible at an above 30 framerate.
i know a lower native res would give me a little more time in terms of that.
I can always go sli later, but right now thats 800 bucks to upgrade, i could even potentially switch out the single card but who knows if the next gen tech will work with the mobo and power availability.
I have always heard that native resolution is the best way to go with games, otherwise the screen can appear blurry. Has technology improved to where this isnt as big of a concern with laptop lcds?

I know what you are saying, but personally I have never seen this. I play COD4 Multiplayer at 1280x1024 on the WUXGA screen and I don't really notice any blurring.