Yesterday it was all good. Laptop was running, everything seemed fine. Today, when I pressed the launch button, it went to a message, saying:
"Windows Error Recovery
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.
If Windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, Startup Repair can help diagnose and fix the problem. If power was interrupted during startup, choose Start Windows Normally.
1) Launch Startup Repair (recommended)
2) Start Windows Normally"
I didn't download anything suspiciuos, I didn't turn off laptop incorrectly. When I press Launch Startup Repair, it comes either with just turning off the laptop or message, saying:
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:
1) Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2) Choose your language settings ,and then click next.
3) Click repair your computer.
If you do not have the disc, please contact to your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance. When I press ESC, it pleases the system password which I do not know.
If I press start windows normally, blue screen pops and just shut downs the computer. What should I do?
"Windows Error Recovery
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.
If Windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, Startup Repair can help diagnose and fix the problem. If power was interrupted during startup, choose Start Windows Normally.
1) Launch Startup Repair (recommended)
2) Start Windows Normally"
I didn't download anything suspiciuos, I didn't turn off laptop incorrectly. When I press Launch Startup Repair, it comes either with just turning off the laptop or message, saying:
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:
1) Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2) Choose your language settings ,and then click next.
3) Click repair your computer.
If you do not have the disc, please contact to your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance. When I press ESC, it pleases the system password which I do not know.
If I press start windows normally, blue screen pops and just shut downs the computer. What should I do?