Lenovo Y580

i dont see the point of high powered laptops as their battery life is bad. laptops are meant for portability and lightness. a quad core laptop with gtx 660 is a brick you can throw it at someone to defend yourself lol
The y580 can be a desktop replacement. But it is only about 6 lbs. I ordered a Y500 that will be here the 28th to replace a 7 year old HP 5265 that was over 7 lbs with the 12 cell.

So 6 lbs. is not a big deal.

If you want to play games, get the y580, the y500 is on sale for $879 a savings of $470.

If you will be take the laptop to class or something the 6 lbs. will get in the way.

It just depends on how much you plan to travel.

Hi thanks for your replies, the weight of it does not bother me to much as i will not be taking it to far but i will need to travel with it, ive heard it has problems connecting to wireless? do you know anything about this? thanks
I have not heard of anything about the wireless. Check out the link below.

I went with the Y500 because of the savings of 470, and I can get a 2nd Video card for the ultra bay and pop out the dvd drive and put in a 2nd GT650 in SLI to inprove gaming if needed. The 2nd card is $130.

I went with the following.

8GB ram
1080 screen
1 TB drive with 16GB SSD


There was some issues with the touchpads, but I think that has been fixed. But i don't use the touchpad anyway.
I have the Y580 and really like it. I have the lowest base model so I highly suggest you get a model with a 1920x1080 screen. The 660m is a pretty capable of playing most games on at least high with over 40 fps on my 1366x768 screened model. I think they all come with the i7-3630m now. My model was around a 1000 USD so I can't complain. I heard about the wireless issues being a problem on systems equipped with Windows 8. Since the last driver update I haven't had any problems with my wireless connection.
I have the y580 windows 7 base model with 1080p screen (500 GB hdd, no ssd-planning on upgrading later). The wireless is mostly fine except sometimes when resuming from sleep it has deactivated itself (The bluetooth icon appears on the toolbar near the time/date). I just reconnect (5-10 seconds) and its fine. Battery life is decent, get about 5-6 hours typing documents, 3-4 hours browsing. Cost $899 canadian. The y500 is also good and a bit cheaper than the y580 but has poor battery life (no optimus).

So I've heard, not sure how true it is though.