Question LG 42LB5600 stand by power only

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Nov 30, 2020
Novice here.

My LG has 3.5V at all the right pins coming out of the power supply. The 12V and 24V pins have nothing which I believe is correct when the TV is off.

The TV will not come on via remote or manual power button. It seems to me the main board is not signalling the power supply to power up the 12V and 24V pins. I could be wrong as I'm new at this.

What part of the main board is responsible for signalling the PS to power up after an "on" signal is received?

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have received a mother board failure issue and replaced the mother board within 2 years of TV purchase. And as per the service engineers suggestion we changed our setup box to avoid similar defect in future. Again in 10 months period of time, the mother board failed and service engineer quoted Rs.8000 for replacing the mother board. This is the third issue in 3 years period of time. Cust. care or service engineer or dealer engineer is speaking nothing other than asking to pay Rs.8000 and replace. no advice on not getting this same problem in future.
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